Movie theaters in Japan are reopening now that most of the country has begun lifting state of emergency measures. However, given that the Tokyo metropolitan area — the country's single biggest movie-going market — is still under restrictions, distributors are postponing the release of new films.

Fortunately for cinephiles who are staying at home, distributors specializing in independent cinema have started to put their catalogs online. By “independent,” I mean the kind of fare shown primarily in mini-shiatā, the Japanese term for art houses, not multiplexes. With the closures of such small theaters threatening the survival of the indie scene, many in the industry have looked to crowdfunding and online streaming to stay afloat.

U.K.-based Third Window Films, which has been distributing as well as producing Japanese indie films since its launch in 2005, is one such company making sure movie buffs have access to new and classic movies. The company is now offering 28 titles on Vimeo’s on-demand subscription-based service.