Buffalo Daughter has a knack for recruiting influential fans. One of these fans, Tokyo-born artist Peter McDonald, is partially responsible for getting the band to record its latest album, "Konjac-tion."

In 2011, McDonald (whose father is British and mother is Japanese) held an exhibition at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, titled "Peter McDonald: Visitor." It showcased a series of brightly colored paintings featuring people dancing in front of a turntable at a giant block party. Being a Buffalo Daughter fan, he asked the trio to perform at the exhibition.

"We were preparing songs for the exhibition, and (what we chose as) the cover art of this album was actually being displayed there as well," says singer and guitarist suGar Yoshinaga. "Since the exhibition room isn't meant for playing music in, the sound system wasn't too great. But it was fun and it inspired us to record the new album."