It really shouldn't come as any surprise that corporations are getting involved in art exhibitions. Now that we've all but got used to bountiful product placement in movies, why shouldn't brands make their way into art shows? Where will it stop, I wonder -- will Harry Potter sip latte at Starbucks in his next book? Will the New York City Ballet soon sport Gap logos on their tutus?

Anyway, Nike is a young person's brand and Parco is a young person's store and the two dovetail very cozily for the new exhibition, "Shutter and Love -- 10 Women Photographers."

You know, there used to be a set of criteria for the use of the word "museum," but I'd best not get started on that or I will drift over to the matter of the Mori's lack of a permanent collection. Suffice to say that the "Parco Museum of Art and Beyond," as it calls itself, is a brave and avant-garde space only in the great lengths it goes to in testing the distinction between art exhibition and product promotion, between art book and fashion catalog.