RED SKY, RED DRAGONFLY, by John Galligan. Madison, Wisconsin: Diversity Incorporated, 262 pp., $14.95 (paper).

"Red Sky, Red Dragonfly," a first novel by college writing professor John Galligan, provides ample evidence that he understands the craft he teaches. A humorous and original tale spanning two continents and four cultures, this book is a winner.

At the start of the novel, protagonist Tommy Morrison is a disagreeable, belligerent man who has failed as a husband and father. However, by the book's end he has revealed himself to be a man of integrity, and is subtly, almost imperceptibly, transformed.

The story begins with Tommy's arrival in Japan as he flashes back to an ugly confrontation with his estranged Native American wife, Elaine Red Cloud. A former professional hockey player and college math professor, Tommy suffers from a bum knee and anger management problems. By the second page, he and Elaine are mired in a bickering session that will continue throughout the book via telephone.