There must be an organization in Hollywood called Bad Sequels Inc. (not to mention Happy and Dial-a-Corpse). The people over at Bad Sequels are dressed in gray, carry briefcases and have the furtive look of a nervous salesman. They go up to some successful producer at some 7-ish cocktail party and whisper out of the corners of their mouths: "Sir, you're a man with brains and foresight -- we can see that right away. So we know you'd be interested in this brand-new, tip-top sequel that comes complete with cast, grip and gaffer. Whaddaya say?" And the producer, because it's Friday night and he's had a few drinks, says "Uhhh, OK," and signs on the dotted line. Then the men in gray hastily lock up the case, sprint out the door and drive away, fast.

Unless something is done about Bad Sequels Inc., we'll be stuck with an ever-growing mass of unwatchable howlers that include such bombs as "Dumb and Dumber 2," "Another 48 Hours" and all the rest.

But the Bad Sequels Inc. people have outdone themselves this time with "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2," a bad sequel that redefines the term in one dramatic stroke. Think of someone wearing last year's Halloween costume, yelling "boo" and expecting you to jump with fright. Well, honestly. After this, sequel standards will definitely have to be dropped a couple of notches.