FACTS AND FIGURES OF JAPAN, 2000 edition. Tokyo: Foreign Press Center, 116 pp., 1,300 yen. SOCIAL SECURITY IN JAPAN, by Go Miyatake. Tokyo: Foreign Press Center, 80 pp., 1,800 yen (paper). CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE RELIGION, by Nobutaka Inoue. Tokyo: Foreign Press Center, 73 pp., 1,000 yen (paper).

For people who need quick access to English information on Japan, the Foreign Press Center has an excellent solution in its annual Facts and Figures of Japan" booklet and "About Japan" series.

The latest edition of "Facts and Figures of Japan" gives readers instant access to information on over 200 areas in 23 fields, ranging from government and economy to crime, science and the environment.

Concisely written and employing numerous charts and tables, the FFJ includes comparisons with other countries or past years to help put statistics in perspective.