Adjusting to life in an unfamiliar society and culture can be a formidable undertaking. Comparing my first couple of years here with the two that followed, the difference was like having a FastPass at the coolest theme park ever built, only to wake up one morning and discover that you were one of the themes at that park. It took some doing to make peace with that fact of life here.

Fortunately, though little did I know at the time, my blogging was acting as a sort of valve that kept me from blowing my top, as well as kept me active in a community, albeit a virtual one. But those who don't have an outlet can find themselves suffering in silence and isolation. And this is just one of many issues that can have a catastrophic effect on individuals, couples and families living abroad.

Black Eye has spoken with a couple of professionals trained to help and/or offer guidance to people going through the various adjustments that come with acclimating to a new environment.