Having an animal to care for does come with a handful of pains, lots of walks and, with a dog like Oboro, a bit of slobber. But the pleasures far outweigh their price. When life weighs heavy and you're tired of two-way talk, there is nothing better to come home to than someone you can throw your arms around, snuggle up against and talk your heart out to. This golden retriever is perfect for just that. Oboro will not only stick by you; he'll also listen with intensity and concern.

Abandoned by his owners, he knows what it's like to have no one looking out for you. This fellow, though still only about 2 years old, is the epitome of sweet. He follows people around as if he's checking to see they're OK, and he hasn't an aggressive bone in his body. And yet, he has had no one put a hand up for him. Somehow, life just isn't fair, but here's one time that it's easy to set things right.

If you are interested in adopting Oboro, please email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more information. Tokyo ARK is a nonprofit organization founded by Briton Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. All prospective new owners are requested to undergo a screening process.