Tag - ukiyo-e



Japan Times
Jun 29, 2008
David Bull: In the wake of Hokusai
From behind his shaggy beard, affable British-born Canadian woodblock printmaker David Bull ended our interview at his studio in western Tokyo with what sounded like a challenge.
Reader Mail
Mar 2, 2008
Fear of foreigners holds Japan back
Regarding the Feb. 27 article (from Sentaku magazine) "Wanted: world's best minds": The writer evidently believes that Japan is largely unable to attract the best young minds from abroad for studies and employment because politicians and bureaucrats have been unwilling to institute the necessary measures, universities have provided insufficient opportunities, and all concerned parties do not truly understand the stakes involved.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree