Tag - uk-brexit



Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 28, 2016
Japan considers further help for small businesses hit by Brexit
Japan is likely to include assistance for small businesses in an economic stimulus package it will compile after Britain's shock vote to leave the European Union, Economy Minister Nobuteru Ishihara said on Tuesday.
Jun 28, 2016
Ratings agencies downgrade U.K.'s credit score following 'seminal' Brexit vote
Britain suffered further blows to its economic standing on Monday as two top ratings agencies downgraded its sovereign credit score, judging last week's vote to leave the European Union will hurt its economy.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 28, 2016
Japan, U.S. affirm coordination over Brexit fallout, maritime security
The Japanese and U.S. governments pledged close coordination over fallout from Britain's vote to leave the European Union, which has sparked global economic uncertainty and doubts about continued European unity.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2016
Xi and Cameron's 'bromance' all for nothing after Brexit vote
Just eight months ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping was snapping selfies with soccer stars in Manchester, dining at Buckingham Palace and drinking beer in an English pub.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2016
Brexit casts doubt over new EU and NATO defense strategy
Britain's departure from the European Union risks undermining Europe's new defense strategy, days before NATO and EU governments sign a landmark pact to confront a range of threats from Russia to the Mediterranean, officials say.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 28, 2016
South Korea plans $8.4 billion extra budget as shield against Brexit, weak exports
Jun 27, 2016
Britain, an island again
At their root, the forces behind Brexit are fears of loss — of autonomy and opportunity.
Japan Times
Jun 27, 2016
U.K. a victim of its own ideas
The Brexit vote is a cautionary tale to other countries and their elites about complacency toward populist movements and the casual acceptance of the downsides of globalization as just 'another cost of doing business.'
Jun 27, 2016
Which country wins the most from Brexit? China
A fractured EU will be less able to serve as a check to Beijing's growing challenge to the West's cherished institutions and ideals.
Jun 27, 2016
U.K. torn between global leadership, nationalism
Britain has always been conflicted in its patriotic nationalism and its desire, bred of an extinct empire, to be a world leader.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 27, 2016
What's next? Brexit opens up plethora of plausible scenarios
Stalemate between Britain and the European Union over what happens next following Britons' referendum vote to leave has opened up a host of possible scenarios.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 27, 2016
Dis-United Kingdom ponders turmoil of EU divorce but legal expert says reversal possible
To leave, or not to leave: That is the question. Still.
Jun 27, 2016
Brexit shock may have silver lining for bruised Asian investors
Asia's equity markets were the first to suffer through a Brexit-fueled rout. Old Mutual PLC and Citi Private Bank are betting they may be the first to recover.
Japan Times
Jun 27, 2016
Abe instructs Aso to take necessary steps in currency markets at emergency government-BOJ meeting
In the wake of Britain's historic vote to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tells the Finance Ministry and the Bank of Japan to ensure the stability of financial markets.
Jun 27, 2016
Park orders 24-hour watch for market turmoil amid Brexit fallout
President Park Geun-hye on Monday ordered officials to take "all necessary measures" — including round-the-clock monitoring — to minimize market fallout after Britain's decision to exit the European Union, Yonhap news agency reported.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 27, 2016
Amid Brexit mayhem, Rajoy wins poll after Spanish voters embrace stability offered by People's Party
Caretaker Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy consolidated his position in Spain's general election as voters backed away from insurgent political forces in favor of the relative security of the People's Party.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 27, 2016
Japan asks Britain to ensure stable business environment after vote
Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida asked British Ambassador to Japan Tim Hitchens on Monday to help ensure a stable business environment for Japanese companies in Britain in the wake of the country's historic vote to leave the European Union.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 26, 2016
In wake of Brexit shock, Australian leader Turnbull urges stability vote in July's national poll
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Sunday used "Brexit" shock waves to urge voters to return his government with a majority at a July 2 election, arguing only stable government can deliver jobs, economic growth and tough border controls.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 26, 2016
China's finance minister sees Brexit heightening uncertainty, but wider effects to be long-term
China's finance minister and leading economists on Sunday voiced concerns about Britain's vote to leave the European Union, with the policymaker saying it has heightened market uncertainty, though some expect a limited impact on the Chinese economy.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2016
Is EU going to disintegrate?
Regardless of the Brexit referendum in Britain, the European Union is in serious trouble.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan