Tag - uk-brexit



Jul 15, 2016
A way for post-Brexit Britain to move forward
Post-referendum Britain needs a more comprehensive debate on how it will cope with the challenges of global change and how it will work with the international community to do so.
Japan Times
Jul 14, 2016
London's lord mayor says city to remain gobal financial center despite Brexit
The status of London as the world's leading financial hub will not change despite Britain's decision to walk away from the European Union, Jeffrey Evans, Lord Mayor of the City of London, said Thursday in Tokyo.
Japan Times
Jul 13, 2016
Britain should reflect on its self-inflicted mess
Brexit's narrow victory has caused a political meltdown in Britain and economic uncertainty.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2016
U.K. politics: Shakespeare in action
British politics have begun to resemble the final scene in 'Hamlet,' when almost all the major characters die violently.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 12, 2016
May wins battle to be next British leader but faces tough times over Brexit
Theresa May has won the battle to be Britain's prime minister but she will face a much tougher struggle once in power — overseeing her country's divorce from the European Union.
Jul 11, 2016
Japan and the consequences of the Brexit vote
Brexit has taught the Japanese of the potential dangers of a generational divide.
Jul 10, 2016
Is Brexit really inevitable?
Brexit isn't a foregone conclusion. There are three main scenarios that could keep Britain in the EU.
Jul 10, 2016
Heed the lessons of Britain's vote to leave EU
Contrary to glib assumptions, globalization of capital, trade and migration flows are not 'good for everyone.'
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Jul 10, 2016
Serena's Wimbledon prize worth $380,000 less after Brexit vote
Count tennis champion Serena Williams among those who have lost money in wake of last month's Brexit vote.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 9, 2016
U.K. hopeful May warns of tough future after Brexit as rival Leadsom flaunts motherhood
The two rivals to become the U.K.'s next prime minister stepped up their campaigns, with Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom extolling the virtues of motherhood while Home Secretary Theresa May, who is childless, pledged to get Britain through the "difficult times" that Brexit will bring.
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2016
Brexit marks the start of an anti-globalization era
Brexit marks the beginning of the end of the latest era of globalization.
Japan Times
Jul 6, 2016
Views from Tokyo: What do you think about the 'Brexit,' and how might it affect the future?
Go Taira
Japan Times
Jul 6, 2016
ASEAN and Brexit's lessons
ASEAN would do well to take a lesson from the European Union and Britain's vote to leave it.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 6, 2016
May leads three-horse race for British prime minister; Brexit hurts the pound and property funds
Home Secretary Theresa May opened up a strong lead on Tuesday in what is now a three-horse race to become Britain's next prime minister, but the first stage of voting was overshadowed by post-Brexit carnage for property investors and the pound.
BUSINESS / Markets
Jul 6, 2016
Leading Japan fund fell 25% after Brexit vote as volatility rose
Investors who put their money in Stratton Street Capital LLP's warrant fund have been on a roller-coaster ride of late.
Jul 5, 2016
U.K. referendum: Just when should the majority rule?
The Brexit referendum has raised a question for many people on the losing side: How democratic do we want to be?
Jul 5, 2016
Amid Brexit fallout, G-20 may extend moratorium on creating new trade barriers
Amid uncertainties caused by Britain's decision to exit the European Union, leaders of the Group of 20 economies will likely renew their commitment to avoid new trade barriers for another two years, sources involved in preparations for the group's next summit said.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2016
Japan Inc. suffers Brexit fallout as resurgent yen threatens profit outlook
Japan Inc. is already counting the cost of Brexit. The yen's extended surge after the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU has turned the outlook for a gain in annual profit to the first decline in four years.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2016
Post-Brexit, Britain may need 'Hotel California' model
After the self-inflicted wound of voting to quit the European Union, Britain's best option to limit the mutual economic and political damage could be called the "Hotel California" model.
WORLD / Politics
Jul 3, 2016
Recent Brexit vote makes prospect of a united Ireland suddenly thinkable
Protestant unionists are queuing for Irish passports in Belfast and once quiet Catholic nationalists are openly campaigning for a united Ireland, signs of deep shifts in the United Kingdom's most troubled province since Britons on June 23 voted to leave the EU.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan