Tag - u-s-embassy-2



Japan Times
Apr 1, 2014
North links relations to de facto embassy's fate
A ranking North Korean diplomat said Tuesday that whether his country and Japan can improve their relations hinges on the fate of Pyongyang's de facto embassy building in Tokyo.
Japan Times
Feb 26, 2014
Defacing of Anne Frank diaries stirs public
The news that hundreds of copies of Anne Frank's “A Diary of a Young Girl” and books about her had been vandalized in libraries across Tokyo still spur swidespread concern, with people scrambling to help with generous donations.
Feb 9, 2014
U.S. raps board member's remark on Tokyo Tribunal
U.S. raps NHK board member's remark on Tokyo Tribunal: A U.S. Embassy official criticizes a remark by an NHK official questioning the military tribunal held after the war, calling it “preposterous.”
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 16, 2013
Japan pins hopes on Kennedy
With a controversial base relocation in Okinawa and other high-stakes issues testing the resilience of ties with the United States, people in Japan are looking to new U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy for not just her celebrity status, but also her potential to become a new bridge between the two allies.
Japan Times
Jul 15, 2013
Seeking to return the spoils of war
Lifelines takes a step back in time this week with two questions linked to World War II.
Dec 1, 2012
Yasukuni fire suspect spouts gripe
A Chinese man suspected of an arson attack last December on Yasukuni Shrine says he was motivated by "antihumanitarian acts by the militaristic Japan," according to Yonhap news agency.


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