Tag - threats



Aug 26, 2013
The perfect excuse for politicians not to govern
It's not just that the Republican tactic of shutting down the government is a bomb that may eventually go off. It's also a perfect excuse for everyone not to govern.
Apr 5, 2013
North Korea's provocations
International community members must deepen cooperation and watch their behavior as long as North Korea keeps baiting them with war drums.
Reader Mail
Sep 2, 2012
Best venue for settling dispute
The Japan-China territorial row over the Senkaku (called Diaoyu in China) Islands looks like a brawl of a nationalistic group from one country against a nationalistic group from another country. But the number of people who have taken to the streets in Chinese cities shows that there are far more nationalistic and chauvinistic elements in China than in Japan.
Reader Mail
Apr 1, 2012
Best tribute to those who died
I have to disagree strongly with the finishing sentiment of the March 18 editorial "Time for antinuclear protests." I feel that The Japan Times' antinuclear activism has overridden its common sense. The best tribute to those who lost their lives and livelihoods in the March 11, 2011, disaster would be to find out why such an advanced nation as Japan was unable to protect its citizens from a tsunami that could possibly have been predicted.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces