Tag - teen-drama



Japan Times
Jul 11, 2018
'Shino Can't Say Her Name': A teenage struggle that speaks to everyone
There's a point in many teenagers' lives where few things are more mortifying than the prospect of having to speak in public. High school freshman Shino (Sara Minami) has it worse than most. When she's by herself, she can talk perfectly fine, even play-acting the conversations she wishes she was having with her fellow students. But when she's called upon to introduce herself to the class at the start of term, she's felled by a speech impediment so severe that she can barely get a word out.
Japan Times
Apr 4, 2018
'Yamato (California)': Hanae Kan does well as an aspiring rapper that's straight outta Japan
The American military bases in Okinawa are often in the news, usually because of an accident, protest or crime. The bases elsewhere in Japan, not so much. These reminders of a postwar occupation now seven decades in the past have mostly faded from the public imagination.
Japan Times
Apr 4, 2018
'Saimon & Tada Takashi': High school drama with anime and sci-fi twists
The pangs of unrequited love are a familiar staple in high-school movies, but it's not often that they involve an altercation with a flying saucer. In his lopsided debut feature, "Saimon & Tada Takashi," writer-director Manabu Oda mixes sensitive teen drama with surreal humor and low-budget sci-fi schlock. By the end of the film's 83-minute runtime, the fact that it revolves around a gay romance feels almost incidental.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
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