Tag - social-media



Japan Times
Dec 13, 2013
Hoax photo of Mandela after death brings anger
The South African government said Thursday it would not release photographs of former President Nelson Mandela lying in state, and urged people to shun a hoax image purporting to be of the dead president that was posted on the Internet.
Japan Times
Dec 9, 2013
Major U.S. tech companies call for strict limits on surveillance
Eight of America's largest technology companies have called on President Barack Obama and Congress to impose strict new curbs on surveillance that, if enacted, would dramatically reshape intelligence operations that U.S. officials have portrayed as integral to the war on terrorism.
Nov 24, 2013
Twitter beefs up users' data security
Twitter has announced a significant increase in its data security as it moves to protect users from attacks by the "apex predators" of the Internet.
LIFE / Language / THE BUZZ
Nov 23, 2013
A "selfie" is defined as "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website." Oxford Dictionaries, publisher of the Oxford English Dictionary, last week named selfie as its 2013 word of the year.
Japan Times
Nov 17, 2013
Teenagers deserting Facebook as mom and dad join social network
Facebook made a startling admission in its earnings announcement this month: it was seeing a "decrease in daily users, specifically among teens." In other words, teenagers are still on Facebook; they're just not using it as much as they did. It was a landmark statement, since teens are the demographic...
Japan Times
Nov 11, 2013
Taiwan’s ‘White Shirt Army,’ spurred by Facebook, takes on political parties
For decades this island has been bitterly divided into blue and green, the colors of its rival political parties. But that two-toned dichotomy has been upset in recent months by a sea of youths dressed in white.
Japan Times
Oct 26, 2013
Twitter users find out the hard way that anonymity is just fleeting
In the ego-driven game of Twitter, Jofi Joseph was, for a while, one of the winners.
LIFE / Digital
Oct 15, 2013
As viewing habits change, Facebook, Twitter eye up a big slice of TV's future
Talk to your neighbors about their television viewing habits and you will probably find that, although the range of programmes watched is pretty narrow, the methods for receiving them vary wildly from house to house. Some people get their favorite shows via gaming consoles, some by downloading them on...
Sep 29, 2013
NSA gathers data on U.S. citizens' social connections: report
The National Security Agency began mining Americans' email and phone data in 2010 to map out their social connections and locations, according to The New York Times.
Aug 22, 2013
Dr. Phil learns the dangers of erasing tweets
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2013
Unemployed Web developer hacks Zuckerberg's Facebook page
An unemployed Palestinian developer named Khalil Shreateh tried several times to report a bug to Facebook's security team. When no one got back to him, he took the (dubiously) logical next step: exploited the bug to leave a public comment on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's wall.
Aug 18, 2013
Mobile phones, SNS data to the rescue in Nankai Trough scenario
Some 18 years after the Great Hanshin Earthquake mangled Kobe and just two years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami required U.S. help to save Tohoku, the land ministry is still making grand plans to counter the next natural disaster.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Jul 20, 2013
Social media becomes stalkers' tool
The first man who knocked on the Fauquier County, Va., woman's door told her they had been emailing and he was there for sex. Shocked and perplexed because they hadn't corresponded, the woman sent him away.
Jun 3, 2013
In Britain, a debate over freedom of the tweet
After the recent slaying of a British soldier in a suspected Islamist extremist attack, angry social media users took to Twitter and Facebook, with some dispatching racially and religiously charged comments that got them quickly noticed on the busy boulevards of the Internet.
May 22, 2013
Yahoo's Tumblr deal carries risks, rewards
Yahoo has concluded that Tumblr, the social blogging service, is worth a whopping $1.1 billion. Will the bet prove a good one?
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Yahoo OKs $1.1 billion purchase of Tumblr: WSJ
Yahoo Inc.'s board has approved a $1.1 billion acquisition of Tumblr Inc., a service that hosts 108 million blogs, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing unidentified sources familiar with the matter.
Japan Times
May 9, 2013
Huffington in Tokyo for launch of Japanese-language version of HuffPost
The Japanese version of the Huffington Post website aims to encourage reserved Japanese people to participate in online discussions and express themselves, Arianna Huffington, founder of the online media giant, said Wednesday.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2013
Data from 3/11 could save lives if used effectively
As the second anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake approached, the media again rallied to pay tribute to the tragedy's victims, whether dead or alive. Many of the latter are still in limbo, unsure of their future since the events of that day wiped out much of their past.
LIFE / Digital
Mar 6, 2013
Not even Google will be around forever
Some years ago, when the Google Books project, which aims to digitize all of the world's printed books, was getting under way, the two cofounders of Google were having a meeting with the librarian of one of the universities that had signed up for the plan. At one point in the conversation, the Google...
WORLD / Society
Feb 23, 2013
25% of U.S. teens harassed online by partner
In another mark of the increasingly digital life of teenagers, more than 25 percent of those who dated said their love interests threatened or harassed them online or using texts, according to a new study that is touted as the most comprehensive look at the phenomenon.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces