Tag - secrets-bill



JAPAN / Politics
Nov 14, 2013
Ruling bloc may yield on state secrets bill
Eager to see its state secrecy bill passed by the Lower House next week, the ruling coalition is showing signs of giving ground on the controversial legislation.
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 4, 2013
New secrecy law seen best serving bureaucrats
The secrecy bill is dangerous because Japan already has a lot of nondisclosable information and several laws to protect it, the head of an NPO warns.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 4, 2013
U.S. model not seen serving Japan's bid to keep its secrets
As Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government pushes for a controversial new state secrets law, critics warn that the public's right to know will be greatly stifled because the bill, recently approved by the Cabinet, targets leakers of information the state deems critical to defense, diplomacy, terrorism and espionage.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces