Tag - sea



Nov 1, 2015
Despite agreements, risks linger of U.S.-China naval mishaps
In 2013, a U.S. guided-missile ship veered sharply to avoid a Chinese Navy vessel that tried to block its path in the disputed South China Sea, according to the U.S. account. The next year, the United States said a Chinese fighter jet buzzed within 9 meters (30 feet) of one of its Navy planes, in what...
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 1, 2015
Top Japanese, Chinese diplomats agree to further improve ties
Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on Sunday agreed with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, that the two countries should strengthen rapprochement efforts amid thawing ties.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 31, 2015
China objects to Abe's plan to raise South China Sea disputes in talks with Li
China on Saturday voiced opposition to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's plan to raise South China Sea issues in his talks with Premier Li Keqiang.
Oct 30, 2015
China's naval chief warns U.S. 'minor incident' may spark war in S. China Sea
China's naval commander told his U.S. counterpart that a minor incident could spark war in the South China Sea if the United States did not stop its "provocative acts" in the disputed waterway, the Chinese navy said on Friday.
Japan Times
Oct 29, 2015
U.S. Navy's foray into China-claimed seas reportedly followed foot-dragging by White House
The U.S. naval challenge to China's territorial assertiveness in the South China Sea this week came after months of frustration within the Pentagon at what some defense officials saw as unnecessary delays by the White House and State Department in approving the mission.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 27, 2015
Tokyo to raise concerns with London over Britain's closeness with China
Japan plans to convey its concern to Britain over what it sees as London's closer ties with Beijing focusing on bilateral economic benefits but overlooking issues of maritime assertiveness and human rights.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2015
U.S. Navy warship's patrol in disputed South China Sea draws angry response from Beijing
The U.S. sends a guided-missile destroyer close to China's man-made islands in the South China Sea, drawing an angry rebuke from Beijing.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2015
Beijing deploys coast guard — not navy — to avert international condemnation in South China Sea
Armed with little more than flashing lights, loud hailers and water cannons, the Chinese Coast Guard is becoming the vanguard for the country's territorial claims in the South China Sea.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2015
Chinese paper says West is trying to 'falsify' history of Communist Party, military
Enemy forces in the West are trying to "falsify" the history of China's ruling Communist Party and its military and force a "color revolution" on troops who are too susceptible to outside influences, the military's official newspaper said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Oct 26, 2015
For America, the key to China is right at home
Rather than confront China directly, the U.S. should focus on domestic reforms that strengthen its own competitive advantages, which would thereby force Beijing to follow suit.
Japan Times
Oct 26, 2015
Planned U.S. patrols to raise stakes with Beijing in disputed South China Sea
U.S. plans to send warships or military aircraft within 12 nautical miles of China's artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea, possibly within days, could open a tense new front in Sino-U.S. rivalry.
Oct 21, 2015
U.S. navy delegation visits Chinese carrier amid maritime tensions
Senior U.S. naval officers visited China's lone aircraft carrier this week, China's military said, as the two powers try to counter mounting tensions between them over Beijing's claims in disputed waters in the South China Sea.
Japan Times
Oct 21, 2015
As U.S. eyes South China Sea patrols, will Japan play a role?
Some experts say Japan, with its newly empowered military, could play a larger role in Washington's activities near China's man-made islands is the South China Sea.
Oct 18, 2015
South China Sea: what 12 nautical miles really means
If the U.S. government goes forward with its plans to conduct freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, it should be prepared for its intentions to be misread or distorted.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 14, 2015
Abe, China's Yang vow to promote dialogue
A top Chinese government official met Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo on Wednesday, agreeing to promote a "mutually beneficial strategic relationship" between the two Asian titans despite the latest diplomatic row over the 1937 Nanking Massacre, a Japanese official said.
Oct 14, 2015
China's unfinished island wars
China will continue to pursue its claim to the Spratly Islands, but Hainan and Taiwan remain the two great pearls of its maritime frontier strategy.
Oct 14, 2015
China's air force extends long-range strike capabilities: military expert
China's air force can launch long-range precision strikes, state media on Wednesday cited a military expert as saying, as the country works to develop its offensive air capabilities.
Oct 8, 2015
U.S. to sail warships near disputed South China Sea islands: report
The United States is expected to sail warships close to China's artificial islands in the South China Sea within the next two weeks to signal it does not recognize Chinese territorial claims over the area, the Financial Times reported, citing a senior U.S. official.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2015
Can art bring people back to Japan's depopulated islands?
I've seen island revitalization projects come and go, but the idea of an NPO riding on the coattails of a successful art trend in the area strikes me as having some promise.
Sep 17, 2015
Maritime security cooperation in Asia: visions and realities
In Asia, multilateral maritime security regimes are not robust, but what exists is a start — a shaky foundation — that hopefully can be firmed up and built upon.


The Japanese government updated its English education guidelines in 2017 to emphasize communication over grammar and memorization. Public school teachers are incredibly busy, however, which means schools haven’t been able to implement changes uniformly. Private and alternative schools are attempting to remedy this.
The language of opportunity: Bilingual education is on the rise in Japan