Tag - scotland



Jul 11, 2014
Is there a right to secede?
If a majority of the voters in a distinct region of a country favor independence, does that mean that they have a right to secede? Paradoxically the EU has made it more feasible for states like Scotland and Catalonia to consider independence.
Apr 22, 2014
Failed gamble in New World still relevant to Scots
A few years before giving up its independence, Scotland took a bold gamble to secure a brighter future, founding a colony on the isthmus of Panama to corner trade between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Apr 8, 2014
Would independent Scotland have its own spies?
If an independent Scotland does have to develop its own intelligence network, it will lead to an intriguing question in the independence debate: Who will pose the biggest threat to the physical and economic security of the state?
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 6, 2014
'No' camp's fears grow as Scottish independence momentum surges
The British minister in charge of Scotland has issued a stark warning that the country could sleepwalk into a split from the U.K. because unmotivated unionists are failing to wake up to the threat posed by Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond's nationalists.
Apr 4, 2014
Scotland: a nation, not a region
For Scotland, independence — the question in September's referendum — is about democracy not nationalism. It's about righting the wrongs of a country living its life as a region.
Dec 17, 2013
Is a U.K. breakup in sight?
The white paper that the Scottish government has produced in favor of independence is long on aspirations and short on detailed responses to the problems that an independent Scotland would face.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2013
Reformers set sights on Scotland's immense private estates
On bleak Scottish moors and soft, mossy hills, the oldest and grandest theme park in the world rose on Aug. 12. The vast and sprawling sporting estates that possess most of Scotland's surface thrummed with the frantically beating wings of grouse and echo to the gunshot, bravo and jolly well done. The annual game-bird cannonball run has begun. Do creatures that survive to breed early next spring hold a secret ceremony down among the bracken to celebrate their escape?
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 9, 2013
Miners, others who suffered Thatcher's wrath can't forgive
Bob Young's strongest memory of Margaret Thatcher's time in power is the brown envelope he received in March 1985 two days before he was due back at work after the yearlong miners' strike.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree