Tag - oceans



Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 14, 2014
Fossil of ancient whale sheds light on how cetacean sonar developed
The deadly threat posed by German submarines during World War I helped spur scientists to develop sonar, using underwater sound signals to locate objects like subs.
Mar 2, 2014
Underwater gold rush spurs fears of ocean calamity
This is the last frontier: the ocean floor, 4,000 meters beneath the waters of the central Pacific, where mining companies are now exploring for the rich deposits of ores needed to keep industry humming and smartphones switched on.
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2014
Water shortages leaving world high and dry
On Jan. 17, scientists downloaded fresh data from a pair of NASA satellites and distributed the findings among the small group of researchers who track the world's water reserves. At the University of California, Irvine, hydrologist James Famiglietti looked over the data from the gravity-sensing Grace...
Feb 9, 2014
A glance at the world's major drought hot spots
1. California: The state's water resources are at critically low levels and a drought emergency has been declared. The health department says 17 rural areas are dangerously parched.
Japan Times
Feb 2, 2014
Melting Arctic ice brings hope to Russian city
The city of Nadym, in the extreme north of Siberia, is one of the Earth's least hospitable places, shrouded in darkness for half of the year, with temperatures plunging below minus 30 Celsius and the nearby Kara Sea semipermanently frozen.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 9, 2014
Elephant shark has 'barely evolved' in millions of years
A prehistoric fish found off New Zealand and southern Australia evolves even slower than the coelacanth, a famous "living fossil" whose DNA has barely changed over hundreds of millions of years, scientists said Wednesday.
Dec 10, 2013
Drinking water project pumps up Dead Sea
The Dead Sea has been rapidly disappearing for the past 50 years, one of the world's natural wonders careening toward ecological collapse.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 23, 2013
Ocean acidification may double by 2100: study
Ocean acidity is likely to more than double by 2100 because of fossil-fuel pollution, putting fisheries at risk and diminishing the capacity of the seas to absorb carbon-dioxide emissions, a study showed.
Japan Times
Oct 26, 2013
'Scary as hell' ocean-research storm breaks
'The long-held barriers between nature and culture are breaking down. It's no longer us against 'nature.' Instead, it's we who decide what nature is and what it will be.'
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 8, 2013
Report links sonar to whale stranding
The mysterious stranding of about 100 melon-headed whales in a shallow Madagascar lagoon in 2008 set off a rapid international response — a few of the 3-4-meter-long marine mammals were rescued, necropsies conducted, a review panel formed.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Aug 28, 2013
Dolphin deaths, linked to virus, worst in years
Marine scientists said Tuesday that a die-off of bottlenose dolphins along the U.S. Atlantic coast is the largest in a quarter-century and is almost certainly from the same cause as a 1987-88 outbreak: cetacean morbillivirus, which is spreading throughout the population.
WORLD / Science & Health / FOCUS
Aug 28, 2013
Air gun noise sparks alarm in war over offshore drilling
The use of "seismic air guns" to determine how much oil and gas lies beneath a vast swath of the ocean floor off the southeast coast of the United States is provoking an early skirmish in a battle over oil drilling that is still years away.
Japan Times
Aug 21, 2013
Humans '95% likely' behind warming
It is all but certain that human activity has caused a steady increase in global temperatures over the past 60 years, leading to warmer oceans and an acceleration in rising sea levels, according to the most recent climate change report by an international U.N. panel of scientists.
Jul 31, 2013
Shark attacks on humans are rare but not unheard of
With beach season in full swing, the question inevitably arises: What are the chances of getting attacked by a shark?
Jun 18, 2013
U.S. shad catch limited in bid to restore stocks
If things were this bad in the late 1770s, George Washington's starving Continental Army might never have made it out of Valley Forge.
May 16, 2013
Fish moving to cooler waters for decades: study
Research shows that fish and other sea life have been heading toward the Earth's poles for more than three decades.


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?