Tag - ken



Japan Times
Apr 12, 2013
'The Angels' Share'
Seventy-six year old Ken Loach can be described as the UK's leftist conscience, always parked somewhere in the corner of the welfare state.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2013
New Yorker opens doors for foreigners in Sapporo
Ken Hartmann, 71, still opens doors for ladies, and still speaks with a brusque, no-nonsense New York accent even after 27 years in Japan.
Aug 4, 2009
Drawing down the nuclear stock
Conflicts of interest dividing Moscow and Washington have overshadowed a more positive development — real progress in nuclear arms cuts between the two powers that together hold 95 percent of the world's nuclear weapons.
Oct 30, 2005
Communing with wild animals in Japan's famous culture of cute
In the first of a series of recent articles about nonindigenous animal species in Japan, the Asahi Shimbun reported comments made at this year's annual meeting of the International Association of Falconry. The meeting, which took place earlier this month in Prague, saw the chairperson criticize the Japanese media for emphasizing the value of three Harris hawks that had been stolen from an Ibaraki pet shop in May 2004. By saying that the hawks were worth 5 million yen each, the chairperson implied, the media gave the impression that birds of prey were simply expensive objects.
Japan Times
Mar 3, 2002
Ken Noguchi: Climb (and clean) every mountain
When Ken Noguchi reached the summit of Mount Everest in 1999, at the age of 25 he became the youngest person to have scaled the highest peaks on all seven continents. Born to a Japanese father and Egyptian mother, he grew up moving around the globe. His love affair with the dizzy heights of high-altitude climbing started at 16, when he dropped out of school and then climbed both Mont Blanc and Kilimanjaro in the space of the next four months. Recently, he has focused his efforts on cleaning up the tons of garbage left behind by expedition groups on Mount Everest, and educating both children and adults on environmental issues. Following the publication of his latest book, "Hiyakuman-kai no konchikusho (A Million Curses)," on Feb. 27, Noguchi, now 28, spoke with The Japan Times about the high -- and low -- points of his career so far, his future plans and his penchant for sandy beaches.
Sep 7, 2000
Educational TV: PTA knows best?
The Data Watching section of the Sept. 7 issue of Dime contains the results of various unrelated surveys regarding the current state of parent-child relationships. In addition to questionnaire answers about corporal punishment and what constitutes bad behavior, there is a list compiled by the Japan PTA in 1999 of the 10 TV shows parents want their children to watch, as well as the 10 shows they don't want their children to watch.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces