Tag - inequality



Japan Times
Dec 7, 2013
Inequality threatens Mandela legacy
Nelson Mandela emerged from 27 years in apartheid jails in 1990 pledging to seize South Africa's mines and banks. Four years later, his government slashed spending and courted foreign investors, paving the way for the longest period of growth in the country's history.
Nov 8, 2013
Anxiety replacing confidence for many Chinese
Billionaires as well as the new middle class are hedging their bets on China. Some joke that the president's slogan of 'a Chinese dream' refers to getting your kids into an American university.
Oct 12, 2013
Angus Deaton's 'The Great Escape' fetes growth
Angus Deaton's 'The Great Escape' celebrates growth and looks more favorably on aid directed at improving health, because that can address specific failures of market provision.
Sep 10, 2013
America's shattered dream
In recent years the trend toward extremes in income and wealth has accelerated significantly in the U.S. Is the collapse of the American dream at hand
Aug 3, 2013
Obsessing over inequality threatens capitalism
It's wrong to see income gains at the top as proof of U.S. capitalism's ingrained wickedness, or to forget that clumsy intervention might affect everybody else's income.
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2013
The movie exposing the lies at the heart of U.S. capitalism
In one sense, "Inequality for All" is absolutely the film of the moment. We are living through tumultuous times. The economy has tanked. Austerity has cut a swath through our lives.
Reader Mail
Jun 21, 2012
What 'international outcry'?
The June 17 Page 2 article "Oi decision draws international outcry" is very interesting with regard to the disparity between the headline and the body of the article.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces