Tag - indian-economy



The ultimate challenge for the next government is to balance infrastructure investment with measures that improve household financial stability and income.
May 29, 2024
India’s election winner has a repair job waiting
The ultimate challenge for the next Indian government is to balance infrastructure investment with measures that improve household financial stability and income.
A lack of comprehensive consumption — and inflation — data makes it impossible to get an accurate picture of India's poverty.
Mar 21, 2024
India’s poor will not be wished away
Poverty remains deeply entrenched in India and appears to have increased significantly.
China and India both began liberalizing their economies around the same time in the 1980s. But China invested more in human-capital and is now benefiting from that decision.
Aug 1, 2023
Unlike China, India cannot be an economic superpower
In the 1980s, the belief among observers was that an authoritarian Chinese regime would mismanage its economy while a democratic India would thrive.
Japan Times
Dec 28, 2022
India’s looming demographic divide
As it prepares to overtake China as the world's most populous country, India is struggling to harness the economic benefits of its declining mortality and fertility rates.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2022
Why India is losing faith in the West
Criticizing India for continuing to buy oil from Russia is especially galling, given that European nations have yet to wean themselves off Russian energy supplies.
Mar 10, 2016
Abenomics proves contagious
China's Xi Jinping and India's Narendra Modi need to stop the hollow rhetoric and get on with the hard task of economic reform.
Japan Times
Dec 15, 2015
Restarting India's faltering economic revolution
If Narendra Modi makes tough decisions in leading his country forward, the 21st century might end up being the Indian Century. But if so, he can't delay much longer in putting his words into action.
Japan Times
Aug 10, 2015
Modi needs a new strategy to counter opposition
The only way for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to counter the opposition's obstructionist strategies is to ensure that he continues to execute policies that boost India's economy.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?