Tag - futenma



Dec 9, 2015
Ginowan mayor wants Disney facility built after Futenma base closes; Suga supportive
The mayor of the Okinawa city aims to build a Disney Resort on land to be vacated after the base is replaced, with Tokyo's expressed support.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Dec 7, 2015
Okinawa man held over laser-shining incident involving U.S. aircraft
A local businessman is arrested on suspicion of aiming what is suspected to be a laser at a U.S. military aircraft while it was flying near a U.S. base in Okinawa in July.
Dec 6, 2015
Legal showdown over Henoko
The court battle that just got underway between Okinawa and the national government over the Futenma replacement base is more likely to exacerbate the conflict than resolve it.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 4, 2015
Onaga indignant over 'politically motivated' early return of small land strips in Okinawa
Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga on Friday expressed "strong indignation" over a Japan-U.S. accord announced earlier in the day over returning some land at a key U.S. base in Okinawa ahead of schedule in fiscal 2017.
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 2, 2015
Central and Okinawa governments clash in court in Futenma base row
The state is seeking to overrule Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga for blocking preparations to relocate a U.S. military base.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Dec 1, 2015
Laser beams apparently aimed at U.S. military aircraft in Okinawa near Futenma
Laser-like rays were beamed at U.S. military aircraft flying near the Futenma base in Okinawa five times since July 2014, an official with the U.S. Marine Corps said.
Japan Times
Nov 22, 2015
Osaka group preps Kansai solution to Futenma base row
If a group of Osaka residents has its way, the U.S. Marine Corps base at Futenma in Okinawa may not end up in the northern part of the island, but in one of five spots in their prefecture.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 20, 2015
Abe to mull SDF dispatch to South China Sea
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday that he will consider dispatching the Self-Defense Forces to the South China Sea while examining the impact of the situation there on Japan's security, a Japanese official said, as the two allies seek ways to defuse tensions in the...
Nov 18, 2015
Court battle over Henoko
The court battle the central government has launched against the Okinawa Prefectural government over the project to relocate Air Station Futenma could further complicate the standoff.
Nov 18, 2015
Okinawa's base conundrum
The Okinawa base issue goes beyond the tangible impact of the U.S. military bases. More than anything, it's the attitude of the Japanese central government toward the issue that irks Okinawans.
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 14, 2015
Okinawa base opponents are 'small part' in bigger picture: U.S. consul general
The U.S. consul general in Okinawa on Friday called local opposition to a plan to relocate a key U.S. base within the prefecture "just one small part of the larger reconsolidation plan" of American forces in the country.
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 6, 2015
Okinawa snubs response over landfill approval revocation
Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga on Friday snubbed a central government recommendation that his local government retract its revocation of a landfill work approval to relocate a U.S. military air base within the island prefecture.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 2, 2015
Okinawa files complaint over restart of landfill work for Futenma replacement
The Okinawa Prefectural Government on Monday filed a complaint against the central government's decision to overrule its attempt to block landfill work for the Futenma base relocation.
Japan Times
Oct 29, 2015
Defense bureau steams ahead with Okinawa landfill work
Landfill work to relocate a U.S. military facility resumed Thursday amid protests after a land ministry ruling.
Oct 29, 2015
Saga Prefecture to allow survey for proposed SDF Osprey deployment
Saga Gov. Yoshinori Yamaguchi said Thursday he will allow the central government to conduct surveys needed for the proposed deployment of Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft at a local airport in the prefecture.
Japan Times
Oct 28, 2015
Okinawa affairs minister says Futenma, U.S. military issues outside her mandate
In the Oct. 7 Cabinet reshuffle, Aiko Shimajiri, an Upper House lawmaker elected from the prefecture, was tasked with the key portfolio of minister in charge of Okinawa issues. But in a Wednesday interview, she avoided discussing the top issue facing Tokyo and Okinawa: the controversial relocation of...
Oct 20, 2015
Futenma relocation panel experts admit taking payments from contractors
Two members of a governmental panel monitoring the environmental impact of the Futenma base relocation within Okinawa Prefecture have admitted to accepting donations from contractors involved.
Oct 15, 2015
Onaga vs. the central government
The national government's bullheadedness on the Futenma relocation is making a bitter court battle inevitable.
Japan Times
Oct 13, 2015
Okinawa governor revokes approval for U.S. base relocation work at Henoko
Takeshi Onaga officially revokes approval for landfill work to replace a key U.S. military base in his prefecture.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 8, 2015
Nighttime Osprey flights at Futenma doubled in year to March, Defense Ministry says
The number of nighttime flights by U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey aircraft at Air Station Futenma in Okinawa more than doubled in the year to the end of March from a year earlier, the Defense Ministry said.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan