Tag - david-2



WORLD / Politics
Jan 27, 2015
Koch brothers to spend $889 million on 2016 U.S. elections
Conservative political advocacy groups supported by the billionaire Koch brothers plan to spend $889 million in the 2016 U.S. elections, more than double what they raised in 2012, according to a report in the Washington Post.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 23, 2015
U.K. devolves new powers to Scotland
The British government began a historic transfer of powers to Scotland on Thursday, keeping a pledge it had given to persuade Scots to reject independence as renewed nationalist support surges.
Japan Times
Jan 21, 2015
David Bowie is Happening Now: 'a strange hybrid'
"David Bowie Is Happening Now" is a strange hybrid. Rather than focusing on Bowie himself, it documents an exhibition held at London's Victoria and Albert Museum in 2013 of artifacts from the singer's long and varied career. The exhibition itself was a huge success — immersive and imaginatively presented...
Jan 19, 2015
Ex-spy chief says outdated U.K. anti-terrorism laws are not fit for purpose
Britain's ability to prevent terrorist attacks is hampered by outdated laws that are "no longer fit for purpose," a former MI5 chief said in an interview published on Sunday, as the government considers new powers to monitor the Internet.
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2015
Manchester United's high-priced squad fails to inspire
It is only Louis van Gaal's cv that is preventing him from receiving the sort of merciless criticism directed at David Moyes last season.
Japan Times
Jan 14, 2015
The Judge: 'works better if you're a well-to-do, over-40 male'
There is a point in a woman's life — specifically, mine — when surprises in movies and in dates are just not all that welcome anymore. Which is why "The Judge" is a vehicle to like — very, very much. Robert Downey Jr. faces off with Robert Duvall in a patriarchal, angst-ridden mystery...
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jan 12, 2015
Decision on Petraeus leak allegations not yet final, Holder says
The Justice Department hasn't made a final decision about whether to prosecute retired Army Gen. David Petraeus for allegedly providing government secrets to his former mistress while he was director of the CIA, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said.
WORLD / Politics
Jan 11, 2015
Cameron's Conservatives vow tough new U.K. strike laws
British Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative Party says it will introduce tough strike laws for some public service workers if it wins the general election in May, prompting anger from unions that called the proposals an affront to democracy.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2015
Charges against Petraeus eyed after lover allegedly received classified data
The FBI and Justice Department prosecutors have recommended bringing criminal charges against former CIA chief David Petraeus for improperly providing classified information to a female U.S. Army Reserve officer with whom he was having an affair, the New York Times reported Friday.
Japan Times
Jan 9, 2015
Martinez struggling to keep Everton competitive
So David Moyes is not such a bad manager after all.
Dec 20, 2014
The good, and not-so-good, reads from 2014
I was lucky enough to read a number of good and informative books on Japan in 2014, but also read my share of clunkers.
Japan Times
Dec 17, 2014
Maps to the Stars: 'Paranoia born of colossal self-obsession'
Can celebrities be numbingly boring? As far as "Maps to the Stars" is concerned the answer is a big fat "Yes," but in the hands of David Cronenberg ("A Dangerous Method," "Eastern Promises") you hardly notice. Ennui and varying degrees of hysteria define this Hollywood fable where everyone is a monster,...
Japan Times
Dec 10, 2014
Gone Girl: 'Misogynistic or a pointed satire of the illusions underlying some marriages?'
The Bible tells us that Elijah came unto the people and asked, "How long halt ye between two opinions?" David Fincher came forth and spake: "One hour and five minutes." Which is precisely how long he keeps us guessing in his new murder mystery "Gone Girl." Is Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) a disgruntled husband...
Dec 4, 2014
Takata snub of recall request not backed by data, NHTSA says
The top U.S. auto-safety regulator told lawmakers Wednesday there is no way Takata Corp. can justify limiting an air-bag recall to only high-humidity states.
Japan Times
Dec 2, 2014
Hawaii inaugurates second Japanese-American governor
With the inauguration of David Ige on Monday, the state of Hawaii welcomed its eighth governor, a third-generation Japanese-American and the second governor of Japanese ancestry for the state.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 28, 2014
Let us curb welfare for migrants or risk British EU exit: U.K.'s Cameron
Britain's continued membership in the European Union is contingent upon it being allowed to stop migrants from the bloc tapping into its relatively generous welfare system, Prime Minister David Cameron will warn on Friday.
Japan Times
Nov 26, 2014
Fury: 'Discovering lost humanity in the hell of a ruthless war'
In the climactic scene of "Fury," Brad Pitt, playing a grimly determined tank commander, is hanging on to a turret machine gun and mowing down wave upon wave of Nazi troopers, as he and his four-man crew take on an entire enemy battalion. Amidst the smoke and blood, I had a sudden flashback to William...
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Nov 24, 2014
For many young British Muslims, tug of peace is stronger than pull of war
For some British Muslims, the path to jihad and the path to peaceful aid work can traverse much of the same terrain.
Nov 6, 2014
Merkel's counter-strike to bind Britain to EU
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's strategy now for keeping Britain in the EU is to force British Prime Minister David Cameron into an openly anti-EU stance, split the right-wing vote in Britain then open the way for Labour to win the election
WORLD / Politics
Nov 6, 2014
Democrat Ige of Japanese descent wins Hawaii gubernatorial race
Democrat David Ige, a third-generation Japanese-American, won the gubernatorial election in Hawaii on Tuesday, beating Republican Duke Aiona and other candidates, according to U.S. media reports.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan