Tag - bar



Japan Times
Dec 31, 2013
Shonzui: Aging like a fine wine bar
New is good; but sometimes a favorite old place is even better, especially when it comes to relaxing over a nice bottle. Shonzui is one of Tokyo's oldest specialist wine bar/diners, and it's still one of the best.
Oct 3, 2013
Law school and bar exam reform
A government panel reviewing Japan's legal system seeks reform of the bar exam and the law schools established in the 2000s in order to improve the quality and availability of legal services.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Aug 27, 2013
Girl-recruiting teacher in hot water
Police have handed prosecutors their case against a 59-year-old Iwate University professor who arranged for four foreign students to work as part-time nightclub hostesses.
Reader Mail
Jan 29, 2012
Purpose of a higher education
Regarding the Jan. 23 article, "More crucial than English" (by Takamitsu Sawa): The question of why Japanese students' intellectual capacities are not developed has not been adequately addressed. When it comes to the humanities, Japanese students are discouraged from developing critical thinking skills.
Oct 21, 2011
Informed decision needed on TPP
Moves to join the talks for the Transpacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TPP) agreement had been put on hold since the March 11 disasters devastated the Tohoku region. But Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is now eagerly pushing for progress.
Japan Times
Aug 19, 2011
Hatos Bar: Perfect BBQ and beer for a long, hot summer
There are few good reasons for staying in Tokyo through a long, punishing Japanese summer. But there are a few consolations. The heat and sweat are a lot more bearable if you know that once night has fallen you can be sitting outside, with a light breeze in the air, cool music on the sound system, a cold drink in your glass and good food on your plate.
Jul 23, 2007
The trouble with Poland
WARSAW — "We are only demanding one thing, that we get back what was taken from us. If Poland had not had to live through the years 1939-1945, it would be a country of 66 million." Thus spoke Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski on the eve of the last European Union summit, when he sought to gain greater voting weight for his country within the EU by invoking the memory of Hitler's war against Poland.
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2002
Biblical reserve echoes Noah's 'two by two'
A visit to Israel is probably not high on your list of tourism priorities at the moment, but should the situation calm down and the killings and fighting stop, here's one to consider: The Biblical Wildlife Reserve of Hai-Bar Yotvata.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree