
Oct 22, 1997

Japan urged to diversify international contributions

Japan needs to gradually build on its peaceful postwar history and play a leading role by developing a basic posture toward and actively tackling global problems, Shusei Tanaka, former head of the Economic Planning Agency, said at a symposium on Oct. 22.The symposium, "Road to a Civilian Power," focused...
Oct 22, 1997

Auto show shifts into environmental gear

CHIBA -- The 32nd Tokyo Motor Show will showcase automotive technologies focusing on environmental protection and safety as automakers address growing concerns over air pollution and global warming.This year's show, previewed by reporters Oct. 22 at Makuhari Messe, comes amid a prolonged slump in auto...
Oct 22, 1997

Bolivia's Lima envoy knew of Tupac Amaru threat

Bolivian Ambassador to Peru Jorge Gumucio, one of the hostages in the 127-day Lima crisis, said he knew Bolivian officials in Peru could be kidnapped at any time by the leftist Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement.Gumucio first alerted his government to the danger in December 1995, when Bolivian authorities...
Oct 22, 1997

Transparency in defense pact urged by China, South Korea

High-ranking defense officials from China and South Korea urged their Japanese counterparts Oct. 22 to continue efforts to make the new Japan-U.S. defense arrangements transparent, Defense Agency officials said.During a two-day forum that ended Oct. 22, senior civilian and uniformed defense officials...
Oct 22, 1997

Future of translation virtually set, Microsoft says

By 2000, most translators will be working in partnership with computers, in a virtual team, in a virtual office and for customers they have never met face to face, David Brooks, senior director of Microsoft Corp., said Oct. 22 at the International Communication Forum in Tokyo.The two-day forum, hosted...
Oct 22, 1997

Suzuki mulls compact car for GM

Suzuki Motor Co. is considering giving General Motors Corp. a new compact car to be produced at Suzuki's plant in Hungary, a top Suzuki executive indicated Oct. 22.If the deal comes about, the new Suzuki would likely become a major model in the small car segment for GM, as it currently lacks a strong...
Oct 22, 1997

U.S. requests investigation of glass distribution system

The United States called on the Japanese trade watchdog on Oct. 22 to investigate the glass distribution system, which Washington claims is manipulated by three major Japanese firms and limits foreign access.Japan's Fair Trade Commission took note of the request but remained noncommittal on whether it...
Oct 22, 1997

Civil servants may get to keep status after reform

A government panel on administrative reform agreed Oct. 22 that government employees transferred to newly created quasigovernmental organizations should be allowed to keep their status as civil servants for the time being.About 15 members of the Administrative Reform Council, headed by Prime Minister...
Oct 22, 1997

U.S. environmentalist seeks true commitment to climate

Staff writerWith little more than a month to go before a major U.N. conference in Kyoto on climate change, a leading American environmentalist is urging Japan to come up with new proposals to solve existing conflicts among developed nations and guide the global community."Ultimately, it is essential...
Oct 22, 1997

Tokyo Forum to host globalization symposium

The Tokyo Forum is hosting a symposium on globalization on Nov. 14 at the International Conference Hall of the U.N. University in Shibuya Ward. The theme is globalization from the perspective of information and humanity.Takuma Yamamoto, chairman emeritus of Fujitsu Ltd. and president of the National...
Oct 22, 1997

Kobe mayor poll faces the quake factor

Staff writerKOBE -- The Kobe mayoral election is slated for this Oct. 26, but Tsuka Izuta would rather stay in that day than spend the 1,000 yen in transportation costs to get to a voting booth.Although she is a registered voter in Nada Ward, 68-year-old Izuta has abstained from voting in any elections...
Oct 21, 1997

Two Nikko executives arrested in Koike case

Two former executives of Nikko Securities Co. were arrested Oct. 21 for allegedly compensating a "sokaiya" corporate extortionist's stock losses.The arrests came after the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission filed a criminal complaint with prosecutors against Nikko as well as executives Hiroyuki...
Oct 21, 1997

Port practices dispute moves closer to settlement

The United States and Japan on Oct. 21 finalized an agreement on the reform of harbor services at Japanese ports, moving a step toward finally resolving the tense trade dispute.Transport Ministry officials refused to disclose the contents of the agreement, saying they first must obtain the consent of...
Oct 21, 1997

Prime minister may get a chance to speak

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its two smaller non-Cabinet allies agreed Oct. 21 that Article 4 of the Cabinet Law should be rewritten to empower the prime minister to propose policy-related topics during Cabinet meetings.But the LDP failed to reach a consensus with the Social Democratic Party...
Oct 21, 1997

Lebanese prime minister slates visit

Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri will visit Japan Nov. 3 to 6 to discuss bilateral and international issues with Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, Foreign Ministry officials said Oct. 21.The officials said they hope the visit will help strengthen relations between the two countries. Hariri will be...
Oct 21, 1997

U.S., Japan far apart as aviation talks start

Negotiators from the United States and Japan started the fourth official civil aviation talks Oct. 20 in Washington but found a considerable gap between their positions over a four-year interim accord.On the first day of the talks, the negotiators remained at odds over the expansion of aviation rights...
Oct 21, 1997

Hashimoto pledges to sign international ban on land mines

Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto pledged Oct. 21 to sign in December an international treaty banning antipersonnel land mines, pushing the government to form a consensus behind him.Hashimoto outlined his position in a meeting with Foreign Minister Keizo Obuchi, Defense Agency chief Fumio Kyuma and Chief...
Oct 21, 1997

Bailed Itoman defendant skips trial

OSAKA -- One of three key defendants in an early 1990s breach of trust case involving the now-defunct trading house Itoman Corp. failed to appear Oct. 21 at a court hearing in his trial.Ho Yong Chung, 50, recently vanished in South Korea after being released on bail, and the Osaka District Court is expected...
Oct 21, 1997

Cabinet approves Hashimoto decentralization decree

The Cabinet approved on Oct. 21 a statement by Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto expressing his determination to carry out government decentralization in line with four sets of recommendations made by an advisory panel."The government will pay the greatest respect to the recommendations to make the central...
Oct 21, 1997

Upper House resumes talks on nursing-care legislation

After a four-month recess, the Upper House Health and Welfare Committee resumed deliberations Oct. 21 on three bills for forming a public nursing-care insurance system.Although the bills passed the Lower House in late May, the Upper House did not have sufficient time to discuss them. The last Diet session...
Oct 21, 1997

LDP drafts measures to revive ailing economy

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party announced a set of measures Oct. 21 that it hopes will revive the flagging economy mainly through deregulation.Bound by a pledge to curtail government spending, the LDP's package relies less on traditional fiscal stimulus such as public works spending and personal...
Oct 21, 1997

GM execs call for balance, brawnier yen

Top executives of General Motors Corp. voiced support Oct. 21 for a stronger yen, continued investment in Southeast Asia and a "global solution" to greenhouse warming.John Smith, GM's chairman, president and CEO; Richard Wagoner, president of GM's North American Operations; and other executives were...
Oct 21, 1997

Pump-priming package leaves analysts disappointed

The package of pump-priming measures decided Oct. 21 by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party does not seem capable of giving the sluggish economy a quick jolt because it lacks sufficient stimulus targeting personal consumption.Disappointment over the measures forced the benchmark Nikkei average of the...
Oct 21, 1997

Five artists receive Praemium Imperiale

The Japan Art Association has awarded its ninth annual Praemium Imperiale award to five renowned artists, including British director Peter Brook.Brook, known for his stagings of Shakespeare as well as for experimentation with cross-cultural theater, received the award along with four artists in various...
Oct 20, 1997

North Korea leaders woo ruling alliance

The Liberal Democratic Party and its two smaller non-Cabinet allies received an invitation Oct. 20 from North Korea's ruling party and are expected to send a delegation to North Korea in the near future.Officials of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan handed the letter of invitation...
Oct 20, 1997

Shippers set condition for paying U.S. fines

Japanese shipping companies told a U.S. government agency that they would consider paying fines accrued during September if the agency entirely removes port sanctions it imposed Sept. 14, industry sources said Oct. 20.The fines were due Oct. 15, but the shipping companies refused to pay, sparking the...
Oct 20, 1997

Global business convention opens at My Dome Osaka

OSAKA -- More than 700 businesspeople from 33 countries gathered here Oct. 20 for the opening of the annual Global Business Opportunities Convention.The three-day convention, which began in 1983 to offer Japanese small and medium-size companies the chance to meet potential business partners from abroad,...
Oct 20, 1997

Trade surplus soars to 5 trillion yen in first half

The nation's customs-cleared trade surplus for the first six months of the current fiscal year came to 5.1 trillion yen, up 75.9 percent from the same period last year, according to provisional figures released Oct. 20.It was the first time the figure rose in year-on-year terms since the latter half...
Oct 20, 1997

Foreign students bring new life to traditional dances

Staff writerKimono-clad Ang Chooi Kean floats gracefully along, accompanied by 1,400 years of Japanese tradition. Performing the "kokiriko," a traditional Japanese dance, the Malaysia native, 5,300 km from home, seems an unlikely candidate to be preserving and spreading Japan's ancient arts.Ang is one...
Oct 20, 1997

Carmakers hope drivers rally to environment-friendly push

Staff writerAutomakers have long tried to impress customers with design and driving performance, but now they are paying homage to the latest in added values: environmentally friendly technology.Stranded by lackluster domestic demand, automakers are hoping to stimulate sales by displaying a number of...


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals