Let me make a brief comment about the Bloomberg article by Jared Diamond, titled "Three reasons why Japan's economic pain is worsening," which ran in The Japan Times on April 28.

As the author says, Japan is a very rigid country, and I respect the points that he makes. His points seem to have been expressed from the view of a non-Japanese person.

As a Japanese whose father was a sake, foodstuffs and fuel retailer, I see the effects of the deregulation course taken by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. Historically Japanese businessmen, especially retailers, have not been accustomed to deregulation. In my neighborhood, there were six retailers, but only one big retailer (supermarket) remains now. A small retailer cannot compete with a big shop on prices. As a result, there's less tax revenue than before.

I do hope the government acts for the benefit of the Japanese people. Is its policy one of international harmonious cooperation? Without regulation right after World War II, Japan's recovery and reconstruction would not have happened.

Sometimes Japanese politicians act like apple-polishers and ass-kissers toward other countries.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

name withheld by request