Reader John Wocher, in his Jan. 22 letter, "Tepco rate hike will hit hospitals," suggests that hospitals should get exemptions from increased electricity rates and consumption tax hikes. If not, he tells us to get ready for surgery with a flashlight and kerosene heaters.

But this is a time when all of us must tighten our belts. Instead of cutting the air conditioning, his hospital should cut salaries of medical workers and administration staff. While Japanese doctors do not make as much as their American counterparts, they still live a life of luxury compared to most of us.

I vividly remember staying at an old dilapidated Japanese hospital with hand cranks on the beds while the doctors' parking lot was filled with Mercedes and Maseratis. I somehow do not feel sorry for doctors and hospitals. Start with cutting the heat in the administration office!

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

name withheld by request