AL-BIREH, West Bank -- In the 48 hours following the horrific suicide bombings in Israel, hawkish Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon addressed the nation while simultaneously increasing, by yet another step, Israel's part of the violence in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Sadly, no end to the violence is in sight, and it is likely to get worse -- much worse. If this statement sounds like a broken record, it's because it is.

The suicide attacks, brought on by the deplorable Israeli policy of yet another state-sanctioned extra-judicial assassination of a Hamas member last week, have brought Israelis and the Palestinians to the brink of total war.

Unfortunately, neither Israel nor the U.S. administration has come to its senses and realized that, after 34 years of Israeli military occupation, the burning question is not why there was another suicide bomb attack, but rather why there are not more.