


Michael Dahan
For Michael Dahan's latest contributions to The Japan Times, see below:
Jun 28, 2002
Flawed peace plan reflects U.S. illusions
AL-BIREH, West Bank -- Monday's long-awaited speech by U.S. President George W. Bush was to set the pace for the Palestinians and Israelis to step back from the vicious and bloody cycle of violence that has gripped them for nearly two years. Instead, Bush and his administration have publicly adopted the Israeli agenda of battering the Palestinians into submission.
Mar 11, 2002
International community must pressure Sharon
AL-BIREH, West Bank -- The first Palestinian refugee camps were a product of the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. When Israel militarily occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem in 1967, a second wave of Palestinian refugees was created. Today, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his government are creating a third wave of Palestinian refugees by attacking those very refugees that, decades ago, fled for their lives and have been living under illegal Israeli occupation ever since.
Dec 6, 2001
Israeli occupation spawns cycle of death
AL-BIREH, West Bank -- In the 48 hours following the horrific suicide bombings in Israel, hawkish Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon addressed the nation while simultaneously increasing, by yet another step, Israel's part of the violence in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Sadly, no end to the violence is in sight, and it is likely to get worse -- much worse. If this statement sounds like a broken record, it's because it is.
Nov 13, 2001
'Peace initiative' offers nothing new
The new Israeli "peace initiative" drafted by Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is nothing more than a placebo. It is designed for internal Israeli consumption and consumption by the United States and Europe in response to their pressuring Israel for positive movement toward ending the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.


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