Toshiba Corp. said Thursday it will establish a new engineering company in Kawasaki to provide advanced engineering support for discrete devices.

The new firm will start operating in October and deal with designing discrete devices, including power transistors, diodes and optoelectronic devices. These parts are used in cellular phones, personal digital assistants and other electronic products.

To be capitalized at 20 million yen, the new company will be owned 70 percent by Toshiba and 15 percent each by Toshiba Device Corp. and Toshiba Microelectronics Corp., it said.

The new company, which has yet to be named, will bring together about 140 discrete design and application engineers in a single location, with the number of employees expected to rise to 170 in 2005, it said.

The new company will have a divisional structure, with each division responsible for a major product area, including telecommunications and automotive applications, Toshiba said.

It will also provide application engineering support for Toshiba's sales and marketing companies in Japan and overseas, particularly in Asia, it said.