Sample newspaper article



Words and phrases

東京五輪 (とうきょうごりん) Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games

マラソン marathon

スタート時刻 (すたーとじこく) start time

大会組織委員会 (たいかいそしきいいんかい) meeting organizing committee

現在 (げんざい) current

計画 (けいかく) plan

午前 (ごぜん) a.m.

開始 (かいし) start

前倒しする (まえだおしする) to move up

方針 (ほうしん) plan

分かる (わかる) to be revealed

厳しい (きびしい) fierce, extreme

暑さ (あつさ) heat

配慮する (はいりょする) to be concerned

関係者 (かんけいしゃ) officials

~によると according to ~

案 (あん) proposal

~を軸に (~をじくに) centering on ~

関係機関 (かんけいきかん) relevant associations

本格的な (ほんかくてきな) full-scale

調整 (ちょうせい) coordination

~に入る (~はいる) to begin ~

~する見通しである (~するみとおしである) be expected to ~

招致 (しょうち) bid

段階 (だんかい) stage

対策として (たいさくとして) as a countermeasure

早める (はやめる) to move up

国際オリンピック委員会 (こくさいおりんぴっくいいんかい) International Olympic Committee

承認 (しょうにん) approval

得る (える) to obtain

しかし but

今夏 (こんか) this summer

猛暑 (もうしょ) heatwave

~を受け (~をうけ) following ~, after ~

さらなる further

必要性 (ひつようせい) need

浮上する (ふじょうする) to emerge

自民党 (じみんとう) Liberal Democratic Party

~に合わせる (~にあわせる) to adjust for ~

夏時間 (なつじかん) daylight saving time

導入 (どうにゅう) adoption

検討する (けんとうする) to consider

システム system

改修 (かいしゅう) change

難しい (むずかしい) difficult

~から due to ~

断念する (だんねんする) to abandon

Quick questions

1) マラソンのスタート時刻はなぜ変更が検討されているのですか。

2) 自民党は何の導入を検討していましたか。

3) その導入はなぜ断念されたのですか。


It was revealed Nov. 21 that the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games plans to move up the start times from 7 a.m. for marathons during the 2020 games. The plan was proposed out of concern of fierce heat. Relevant associations are expected to begin full-scale coordinations centering on the proposal of starting the race at 6 a.m., according to officials.

The starting time was planned for 7:30 a.m. when Tokyo launched its bid to host the 2020 games. Later, the organizing committee moved the time up to 7 a.m. to counter the heat and obtained the IOC's approval in July. But following the record heatwave this summer, the organizers acknowledged the need for further counter-measures against the heat. The governing Liberal Democratic Party considered adopting daylight saving time to adjust for the games but abandoned the idea, citing technological difficulties in making such a system change in time.


1) Why is the change in the starting times of the marathons considered?


Out of concerns for fierce summer heat.

2) What did the Liberal Democratic Party consider adopting?


"Summer time" or daylight saving time.

3) Why was the adoption abandoned?


Because of technological difficulties in making such a system change in time.