"Small and beautiful" is the description people use when they speak of Luxembourg. This little country, tucked between Belgium, Germany and France, has for centuries been a meeting place of Germanic and Latin cultures. It is known for being open to the movement of people and the different influences they carry with them. Proud of Luxembourg in its smallness and beauty, the people say, "We want to stay who we are."

Sylvie Gramegna, wife of the ambassador to Japan of the grand duchy of Luxembourg, personifies the qualities of the country she has made her own. By birth and upbringing she is French, from the Champagne area. "Marrying my husband opened my eyes to the world," she said. "Living always in one country is wonderful, but then you have only one view of the world. Once you move, you see things differently."

A theme of opening of eyes and feelings runs through her conversation. San Francisco for her is "an open city with an open mind." Coming to Japan meant "the discovery of a new world. I was always very interested in Greek and Roman culture. Here I have learned so much that is very different. I am so happy."