NORTHFIELD, Vt. -- The joy of quilting must be implanted in women's DNA. What else can explain the cheerful excitement of the 24th Vermont Quilt Festival? My friend and I encountered very few men at New England's oldest and largest annual quilt show, but lots of high-spirited women. Together they created a happy, upbeat ambience, as well as that peculiar sense of unity that is only possible among those sharing the same passion.

In our early 30s and having taken up quilting less than a year ago, we were among the youngest and the least experienced. But in our three-day stay at the festival, held in late July at Norwich University in Northfield, we immersed ourselves in the world of quilts just like the experienced quilters. Over 350 magnificent quilts, both antique and new, were on display. Top quality vendors were gathered from around the country and numerous workshops and lectures were conducted by renowned quilt artists.

We stayed in one of the university dorms. The room opposite ours was occupied by two local women who, we found, were old hands at the festival. Their walls and beds were draped with quilts. The sewing machines that they brought from home worked without rest, and they didn't go to the cafeteria, but prepared their meals in their room.