Tag - u-s-secretary-of-state



WORLD / Politics
Feb 19, 2017
Kerry and Israeli, Jordanian, Egyptian leaders secretly met for peace talks a year ago: report
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met secretly a year ago with the leaders of Egypt and Jordan in a failed attempt by the Obama administration to convene a wider regional summit on Israeli-Palestinian peace, Israel's Haaretz daily said Sunday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 11, 2015
Clinton admits it would have been better to have second email address
Likely Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday it would have been better if she had used a government email account and a separate mobile device as U.S. secretary of state, but said the vast majority of her correspondence went to employees using government addresses.
Apr 15, 2014
When will Netanyahu nail himself to the cross?
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is not wrong to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will, sooner or later, have to stop nailing himself to small crosses (prisoner releases, minor settlement compromises) and move to the big cross: endangering his right-wing coalition to advance to final-status negotiations with the Palestinians.
Feb 7, 2014
John Kerry: a 'magnificent' U.S. secretary of state
The indefatigable U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been astoundingly discreet as a Mideast peace broker. Not a hint of what has been said in private has leaked into the public domain, yet there is almost no hope of a real peace deal.
Feb 8, 2013
Mr. Kerry's challenges
Mr. John Kerry has been confirmed as the United States secretary of state and has officially taken office. Although his predecessor, Ms. Hillary Clinton, left a big legacy to live up to, the five-term senator from Massachusetts is well suited for the job. Mr. Kerry's new post caps a distinguished political career thus far and is a chance for redemption after his failed presidential bid.


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