Tag - u-s-nuclear-weapons



Japan Times
Sep 17, 2022
U.S. vows continued deployment of strategic assets after new North Korean nuclear law
The first meeting of the Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group since 2018 said any North Korean nuclear attack would be met with an 'overwhelming and decisive response.'
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2022
North Korean abductions issue still unresolved, 20 years after deal with Japan
There are no signs that Tokyo can resolve the long-standing issue of North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals, two decades since the signing of the landmark Pyongyang Declaration.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 17, 2022
Abe rejected North Korean proposal to return abductees
It is the first revelation that North Korea had sounded out the Abe government, who had pressured Pyongyang to allow abductees to at least temporarily return to Japan.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2022
Japan, U.S. and South Korea to take steps in case of North Korea nuclear test
The three also agreed to keep promoting security cooperation among the three nations to beef up their deterrence against North Korea.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2022
Mikhail Gorbachev’s nuclear legacy in tatters
A tragic 'might-have-been' of modern times is the West's failure to seize then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's offer of full partnership to forge a new nuclear world order.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 3, 2022
U.S. envoy for North Korea to visit Tokyo for talks with Japan and South Korea
U.S. special representative for North Korea Sung Kim will make a three-day visit to Tokyo from Wednesday and take part in the trilateral meeting.
Japan Times
Sep 1, 2022
Past as prologue: Will North Korea's Kim return to nuke testing?
As South Korea-U.S. military drills end and with key anniversaries looming on Sept. 9 and Oct. 10, Kim may conclude the time is ripe to order a test of what could be a tactical warhead.
Japan Times
Aug 31, 2022
Arming to disarm: North Korea’s nuclear paradox
Even as its nuclear capacity continues to advance, Pyongyang will keep its anti-nuclear doctrine in place — despite the growing contradiction.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 29, 2022
Japan defense chief says world has entered 'a new era of crisis'
Yasukazu Hamada is expected to play a key role in shepherding through some of the biggest changes in Japanese defense policy in nearly a decade.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 28, 2022
Kishida blames Russia for breakdown of nuclear nonproliferation conference
The Japanese leader said maintaining and strengthening the NPT is 'the only realistic approach' to nuclear disarmament.
Japan Times
Aug 27, 2022
Key nuke conference fails to reach consensus after Russia opposes final document
The result marked another setback for the already weakened NPT forum, which is tasked with convincing the world that nuclear weapons policies and technologies are properly controlled.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 24, 2022
U.S. hosts lawmaker events to improve soured Japan-South Korea ties
The State Department organized a series of events from Monday in Washington, believing trilateral cooperation is necessary to address the North Korean threat.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2022
U.S. warns it will deploy ‘strategic assets’ to South Korea if Pyongyang conducts nuke test
It's unclear which strategic assets Washington might deploy, but the term could cover anything from nuclear-powered submarines, strategic bombers or even tactical nuclear weapons.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2022
North Korea fires two cruise missiles as U.S. and South Korea prepare for military drills
The move comes after leader Kim Jong Un declared victory in his country's battle against COVID-19, a pronouncement that could clear a path to more weapons tests.
Japan Times
Aug 12, 2022
FBI sought nuclear documents in search of Trump's home, media report says
It was not clear if such documents were recovered at the former president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach.
Japan Times
Aug 9, 2022
Nagasaki urges elimination of nukes as city marks 77th A-bomb anniversary
Mayor Tomihisa Taue called for the abolition of nuclear weapons amid mounting concerns over their potential use following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Japan Times
Aug 6, 2022
Group of A-bomb survivors 'disappointed' in Japan for not joining nuke ban treaty
In a meeting with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Saturday, the leader of a group of atomic bomb survivors voiced disappointment in the government for not signing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Japan Times
Aug 6, 2022
Nuclear weapons a 'loaded gun,' U.N. chief warns, as Hiroshima marks 77 years since bombing
At an annual memorial, Antonio Guterres warned of the risk posed by crises in Ukraine, the Mideast and the Korean Peninsula.
Japan Times
Aug 6, 2022
North Korea slams Nancy Pelosi over visit to DMZ
North Korea on Saturday slammed the U.S. House speaker over her recent visit to the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone, calling her the 'worst destroyer of international peace.'
Japan Times
Aug 6, 2022
North Korea 'paves the way' for more nuclear tests, U.N. report says
Pyongyang made preparations for a nuclear test during the first six months of this year, according to an excerpt of a confidential United Nations report.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan