Tag - tsunami



Nov 23, 2013
Tohoku's Great Forest Wall Project
A project to plant nearly 300 km of trees along the northeast coast from Iwate to Miyagi to Fukushima will help to protect people and their way of life.
Nov 17, 2013
Cracks in Tepco's 3/11 narrative
Tepco will never accept the theory that the earthquake, not the tsunami, caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster because it would make it difficult to restart its other nuclear power plants.
Sep 26, 2013
METI official loses post for blog insulting 3/11 victims
A senior trade ministry official has been stripped of his post for writing anonymous blog posts criticizing the government's commitment to the victims of the March 2011 tsunami and to rebuilding the quake-hit Tohoku region.
Sep 13, 2013
Housing help for evacuees
The central and local governments must be ready to help both evacuees who want to return home and those who want to settle in new places.
Sep 12, 2013
The buck stops nowhere
The prosecution's decision to not indict any Tepco officials in connection with the Fukushima nuclear disaster is an affront to the hundreds of thousands of victims.
Aug 31, 2013
Naoto Kan speaks out
Naoto Kan took his first steps in the world of politics around 40 years ago as a pugnacious citizen-activist, admonishing those with power as only those without it can. He likes to say he's the same man now, but of course there's an irony in that. After all, in the intervening years he acquired about...
Jun 23, 2013
Happiness: Abenomics falls short
What makes people happy? The global trend toward quantifying happiness certainly got a big boost from Bhutan, the tiny Himalayan kingdom that has championed and made a cottage industry out of the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH).


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?