Tag - tony-siragusa



Japan Times
Jun 23, 2022
Ravens mourn deaths of Tony Siragusa and Jaylon Ferguson
The Baltimore Ravens were plunged into mourning on Wednesday following the sudden deaths of Super Bowl-winning former star Tony Siragusa and current defensive player Jaylon Ferguson.
Dec 23, 2011
Conflict over child allowance
As the central government's work to compile the fiscal 2012 budget goes into full swing, conflicts between the central and local governments are deepening over the use and distribution of funds. One such conflict is over funding of the monthly child allowance. Children younger than 3 each will be entitled to ¥15,000 a month and children at primary and middle schools, in principle, each will be entitled to ¥10,000 a month.
Reader Mail
Nov 10, 2011
Choose your tyranny in Libya
Regarding Brahma Chellaney's Nov. 8 article, "America's troubling support for oil-rich Islamist regimes": The double-standard of sanctioning a theocracy in Libya, of course, arises because of Western support for representative democracy, which is itself a imposition of the majority's values on the minority. This is legitimized by token gestures such as bicameral senates, ombudsmen and referendums, but since these are based on arbitrary statutes, they do not represent improvement.
Feb 3, 2009
For a stronger safety net
As economic conditions worsen and an increasing number of workers, especially irregularly employed workers, lose their jobs, it is becoming urgent that the government strengthen the social safety net.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces