Tag - sumo



Japan Times
Jun 20, 2010
Who pays for sumo?
Sumo wrestlers don't make huge salaries but they can get a lot of yen in other ways.
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Feb 8, 2010
Japan by the numbers (02.08.10)
What's going on in Japan, by the numbers.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Sep 30, 2009
What's in the cards for the future of sumo?
Relying on the tried-and-test cute formula, the beleaguered sumo association rolls out 'sekitori-kun,' a series of chicken little mascots.
Reader Mail
Apr 27, 2008
One-sided view of military burden
Your April 15 editorial "Funding for U.S. military facilities" is, unfortunately, consistent with a trend that's fairly prevalent in the Japanese media -- the one-sided theme of the "burden" borne by Japan for hosting U.S. military facilities. In this editorial the burden was financial, in others...
Reader Mail
Apr 24, 2008
Keep out torch-protection unit
Recently I saw video footage of members of the Chinese government's Olympic Games Sacred Flame Protection Unit -- reportedly from the same paramilitary People's Armed Police that crush protesters in Beijing and Tibet -- roughing up Britons in Britain and Frenchmen in France. It is odd that the Olympic...


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?