Tag - sinapis



Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
May 18, 2020
Japan's Catholic aid groups struggle as donations drop due to virus pandemic
Some of society's most vulnerable are facing increased uncertainty as assistance offices are forced to close during coronavirus slowdown.
May 30, 2011
North Korea appeals to sponsor
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il visited China for about seven days from May 20. It was his third visit to China in a year. He traveled more than 4,000 km on a special train. Both Beijing and Pyongyang are mum about his visit. But it seems that the main purpose of his visit was to appeal for economic cooperation from China.
Reader Mail
Jul 17, 2008
Not all foreigners treated equally
Regarding Jim Chambers' July 13 letter, "Treated better than the natives": Chambers sounds as if he has spent his 35 years in Japan in a Roppongi-like lifestyle where foreigners are actually treated better than the natives. His argument that the Japanese need guarantors, too, to rent an apartment is ludicrous. My father, who lives abroad, cannot be my guarantor. Does Chambers see the difference?
Reader Mail
Jul 3, 2008
Partnership rules lacking
I am very glad that more Japanese appear to be viewing interracial marriages in a positive light. However, I am dismayed that we still do not have any form of recognition of gay marriage. In fact, we do not even have any domestic partnership rules in effect so that gay couples in Japan can do little other than put each other in their wills.
Reader Mail
Mar 30, 2008
We may welcome another Knight
I never thought I would be an apologist for former college basketball coach Bobby Knight (who recently retired as coach at Texas Tech), but in response to the Feb. 11 letter "Coach is gone and good riddance," I believe Knight needs a defense. I observed Knight at a basketball clinic and, like the writer of the letter, found him arrogant, abrasive, crude as well as misogynistic and chauvinistic. He was excoriated by women's groups for treating rape as a joke and putting feminine accessories in some of his players lockers to challenge their masculinity.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces