Tag - sierra-leone



WORLD / Science & Health
Aug 5, 2014
Sierra Leone, Liberia deploy troops as Ebola toll hits 887
Hundreds of troops deployed in Sierra Leone and Liberia on Monday to fight the worst outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, as the death toll climbed to 887 and three new suspected cases of the highly contagious disease were reported in Nigeria.
Japan Times
Jul 25, 2014
First Ebola victim in Sierra Leone's capital on the run
Sierra Leone officials appealed for help on Friday to trace the first known resident of the capital to contract Ebola whose family forcibly removed her from a Freetown hospital after testing positive for the deadly disease.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 1, 2014
Fear, suspicion undermine fight against Ebola
When Mohamed Swarray contracted the deadly Ebola disease in June, he was confined to a tented isolation ward at Kenema in eastern Sierra Leone. But he didn't stay there long.
Japan Times
May 16, 2014
China's hunger for sea cucumbers reaches African islands
As evening falls over Sierra Leone's Banana Island archipelago, bats stream from their beachside roosts to circle in their thousands over the jungle village of Dublin.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces