Tag - sidi-larbi-cherkaoui



Japan Times
Mar 20, 2018
Force and fragility meet and merge in 'Dunas'
There are mutual squeals of delight when Belgian dance artist Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Spanish flamenco dancer Maria Pages are reunited after "far too long" at a Tokyo rehearsal studio.
Japan Times
Dec 22, 2015
Plenty of food for thought in a good year for great plays
The year now ending began gloomily with the Charlie Hebdo murders in Paris reminding us of hopeless breakdowns in mutual understanding and tolerance worldwide; now it's set to close hot on the heels of an agreement by nearly 200 countries at the COP21 talks in Paris on the need to counter threatened apocalyptic levels of climate change due to global warming.
Japan Times
Mar 18, 2015
Psycho-drama mystery tests Tani's 'pop' principles
"Probably nobody ever got involved with theater the way I did," Kenichi Tani said with a laugh, explaining that because his teachers at school were "really boring" he set his sights on becoming an interesting teacher in the future.
Japan Times
Jan 7, 2015
Star Belgian choreographer celebrates manga and more
"Tokyo, my brother, my protector" was the tweet posted by Belgian-born Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui — often dubbed "the busiest choreographer in the world" — straight after he arrived here two months ago.
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2014
'Babel' dance speaks volumes
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Damien Jalet have lots in common.
Japan Times
Jul 17, 2014
Ryuichi Sakamoto delves into cities and nature at Sapporo International Art Festival
Sapporo is generally known for three things: snow, ramen and beer. These things, and festivals such as the Snow Festival or City Jazz, are what draw more than 14 million tourists to the city every year.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree