Tag - pork



Japan Times
Jun 16, 2018
A recipe for the rainy season: Umeboshi-simmered pork
Beat the plum rains with ume nibuta, a versatile pork dish that will see you through June.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2018
Targeting Trump strongholds, Mexico slaps tariffs on U.S. steel, pork and bourbon
Mexico put tariffs on American products ranging from steel to pork and bourbon on Tuesday, retaliating against import duties on metals imposed by President Donald Trump and taking aim at Republican strongholds ahead of U.S. congressional elections in November.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2018
China plans reciprocal tariffs on $3 billion in U.S. imports after Trump move, threatens WTO legal action
China announced plans for reciprocal tariffs on $3 billion of imports from the U.S., including products from steel to pork, after President Donald Trump's move to order levies on a range of Chinese goods sent markets plunging.
Aug 28, 2017
Wasteful spending on medical public works
Unless the current structure is fixed, there will be no hope of medical science becoming a core of the government's growth strategy.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink
Jul 15, 2017
Germans increasingly shunning pork, going green
The nation that gave the world bratwurst and hot dogs is cutting back on its favorite pork sausages and larding up plates with more veggie concoctions instead.
Japan Times
Nov 17, 2016
Canada's pampered pigs sate Japan's appetite for pricey pork
On select Canadian farms, thousands of pigs bound for Japan are basking in five-star treatment.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Dec 12, 2015
Food for thought: A traditional Okinawan diet may help prolong life
The view that, if there is a Garden of Eternal Life, it is likely located in Okinawa, may be a touch exaggerated but few places offer better models for the correlation between food, health and longevity than Japan's southern islands.
Japan Times
Nov 20, 2015
LDP submits proposals to help farmers cope with impact of TPP
The ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Friday compiled a set of proposals to help Japanese farmers and businesses cope with the likely impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.
Aug 31, 2015
Muslim man on hunger strike after immigration gives him pork
The immigration control office in Yokohama erroneously provided a Muslim man in detention with pork, contrary to the dietary doctrine of his religion, prompting him to launch a hunger strike, officials said.
Jul 30, 2015
Japan, U.S. close to reaching agreement on TPP beef, pork safeguards
Japan and the United States are reportedly in the final stage of talks on criteria for invoking safeguard measures to limit imports of U.S. beef and pork as part of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.
Japan Times
Jun 12, 2015
Raw pork liver fans say goodbye to banned sashimi
Fans of raw pork liver savored their last chance to taste the dish on Thursday night as they expressed mixed feelings on the arrival of a new food safety regulation Friday that bans eateries from serving pork sashimi.
May 27, 2015
Health ministry to ban restaurants from serving raw pork
The central government will ban restaurants from serving raw pork starting in mid-June, following a similar ban in 2012 on beef liver, the health ministry said Wednesday.
Japan Times
May 11, 2015
Shizuoka farm plies its pigs with green tea instead of water
A pig farm in Shizuoka Prefecture, known as a production hub for high-quality green tea, has come up with a new way of raising branded pork: having its pigs drink tea instead of water.
Japan Times
Apr 17, 2015
Magical Animal may have crafted Tokyo's best pulled pork sandwich
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 2, 2015
Tokyo offers to cut tariffs on U.S. pork in TPP talks, sources say
The Abe administration has proposed sharply cutting Japan's tariff on a certain amount of U.S. pork over a 10-year period in talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, according to sources.
Nov 29, 2014
Shameful waste of tax money
Hundreds of billions of yen in taxpayer money was again wasted by the government and publicly funded organizations in fiscal 2013.
Sep 25, 2014
TPP talks fail, again, as Tokyo and Washington continue to disagree on autos and food
Japan and the United States failed to overcome persistent obstacles to the Trans-Pacific Partnership as their latest round of negotiations ended Wednesday without agreement.
Sep 10, 2014
Japan, U.S. see little progress in TPP farm tariff talks
Japan and the United States made only "very limited" progress in two days of working-level talks over Tokyo's proposed exceptions to tariff abolition for key farm products under the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a Japanese official said Wednesday.
Aug 5, 2014
Japan, U.S. resume TPP talks on market access for beef, pork
Trade officials from Japan and the United States resumed negotiations over outstanding issues on market access for agricultural products such as beef and pork under the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Apr 23, 2014
Japan may pressure U.S. via Canada pork talks
Japan, the world's largest pork importer, may accelerate tariff talks with Canada to increase pressure on the United States to ease demands for cuts in agricultural protection, the nation's biggest hog farmers group said.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals