Tag - nuclear



Japan Times
Jun 21, 2013
NRA shows off its new crisis center
The Nuclear Regulation Authority on Thursday showed the media its new Emergency Response Center, where data will be gathered and decisions made if another Fukushima-like disaster strikes.
Jun 18, 2013
Kepco's MOX load to arrive June 27
The first batch of controversial MOX fuel to be sent to Japan since the Fukushima disaster is set to arrive in Fukui Prefecture on June 27.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 18, 2013
Kan hits Abe's nuclear salesmanship
Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan calls Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 'inhumane' and an aggressive 'salesman for Japan's nuclear village' for peddling Japan's nuclear technology overseas.
Jun 16, 2013
Alternatives to North Korea's denuclearization
Sooner or later North Korea must be brought back into negotiations. Some now call denuclearization a pipe dream, preferring to focus on arms control.
Japan Times
Jun 14, 2013
Wales touts Hitachi reactors
The two or three nuclear reactors scheduled to be built in northern Wales will bring significant economic benefits rather than fears about nuclear disasters, visiting Welsh economy minister Edwina Hart said.
Japan Times
Jun 12, 2013
Nuclear advocacy lands Abe in hot water with wife
Prime Minister Abe may be pushing to sell Japan's atomic plants abroad, but his wife, Akie, says her 'heart aches' to see him being pronuclear.
Jun 11, 2013
Cease promoting nuclear power
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's decision to move forward with the development of nuclear power technology represents his cynical disregard for the victims of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
Japan Times
Jun 9, 2013
California utility to close San Onofre reactors
In a new setback for the U.S. nuclear power industry, Edison International said Friday it will permanently close the two reactors of its San Onofre plant in California, ending a contentious battle over whether they can be repaired and operated safely after cracks were found last year in the steam generator...
Jun 9, 2013
Rally against nuclear power
The government doesn't appear to pay attention either to Tokyo's antinuclear rallies or to the daily problems with the cleanup of the Fukushima disaster.


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