Tag - military



Japan Times
Nov 7, 2013
White House mulls separate leaders for NSA, Cyber Command
The Obama administration is considering ending a controversial policy that since 2010 has placed one military official at the head of both the nation's largest spy agency and its cyberoperations command, U.S. officials said.
Japan Times
Nov 4, 2013
As U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan, poppy trade it spent billions fighting still flourishes
The United States is withdrawing troops from Afghanistan having lost its battle against the country's narcotics industry, marking one of the starkest failures of the 2009 strategy the Obama administration pursued in an effort to turn around the war.
Nov 3, 2013
Can America's military learn from its mistakes?
After the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army soberly examined where it had fallen short. No such intensive reviews appear to be under way today after a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2013
Unsung heroes emerge in stories of Kenyan mall attack
A little after half-past midday on a sunny Saturday a disturbing call came through to Mark and John at the Nairobi offices of the oil company for which they work.
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2013
Secret documents reveal how close USSR came to launching nukes in '83
Chilling new evidence that Britain and America came close to provoking the Soviet Union into launching a nuclear attack has emerged in former classified documents written at the height of the Cold War.
Nov 2, 2013
Man claims he told U.S. of bin Laden home in '03
AP — A U.S. businessman says he told federal investigators the location of Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan years before the al-Qaida leader's assassination and is seeking a $25 million reward.
Japan Times
Nov 2, 2013
Obama meets Iraq's al-Maliki, remains mum on arms sales
President Barack Obama assured visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Friday that the United States wants to be a strong partner in bringing about a stable and inclusive Iraq amid a rapid spike in sectarian violence that threatens security across the country.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2013
'Born to die': This device will self-destruct in 60 seconds
Imagine recovering from an operation without fear of a post-op infection from a drug-resistant superbug. Imagine that this is because of a tiny electronic device left behind when they sewed you back up, which monitors the wound, picks up signs of infection, administers a specific amount of heat to the...
Japan Times
Oct 25, 2013
Man who burned White House in 1814 feted
Francis de Courcy Hamilton looked askance at the informational sign near the base of the Robert Ross monument, a 30-meter granite obelisk on a hill overlooking the majestic waters of Carlingford Lough.
Japan Times
Oct 24, 2013
U.S. keeps Pakistani officials in loop on drone strikes
Despite repeatedly denouncing the CIA's drone campaign, top officials in Pakistan's government have for years secretly endorsed the program and routinely received classified briefings on strikes and casualty counts, according to top-secret CIA documents and Pakistani diplomatic memos obtained by The...
Japan Times
Oct 20, 2013
Former member of military police battalion takes up the case of a missing statue
Lifelines was recently contacted by Jack Marquardt, who served with the United States Army's 720th Military Police Battalion in Tokyo from 1946-48. Jack, who still calls Tokyo home, is trying to locate a statue of significance to the battalion and its veterans. He shared the story of the battalion's...
Japan Times
Oct 20, 2013
U.S. Navy rocked by bribery scandal
The U.S. Navy is rocked by a bribery scandal reaching high into the officer corps over prostitutes, cash and other kickbacks in return for insider information.
Japan Times
Oct 19, 2013
Guantanamo's fate tied to Afghan exit
The approaching end of the U.S. war in Afghanistan could help President Barack Obama move toward what he has said he wanted to do since his first day in office: close the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Japan Times
Oct 13, 2013
Medal of Honor seen as vindication for war hero
Four years after he survived a brutal firefight in a remote Afghanistan valley that claimed the lives of five Americans, retired U.S. Army Capt. William Swenson will be hailed as a hero at the White House on Tuesday.
Japan Times
Oct 13, 2013
Cleanup at nation's war cemetery stirs anger, grief
Elizabeth Belle walked toward the grave of her son carrying a canvas bag full of miniature pumpkins, silk leaves and other decorations for his headstone. Then she noticed the changes. Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, where more than 800 Iraq and Afghanistan war dead are buried, had been stripped...


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?