Tag - japanese-women



Japan Times
Aug 27, 2019
Why Japan can't fail womenomics in cybersecurity
Cybersecurity's talent gap is exacerbated by low numbers of women in the field.
Japan Times
Oct 16, 2017
Japanese women graduating from motherhood
The Japanese u6bcd (haha, mother) of lore gave her children unconditional love while protecting them from the wrath and u7406u4e0du5c3d (rifujin, unreasonableness).
Jun 7, 2016
Women's empowerment: The time is now, Japan
While Japan's GDP growth is declining, the country is experiencing a rise in gross domestic power of the feminine persuasion.
Sep 8, 2015
A woman who could revive Japan's fortunes
LDP lawmaker Seiko Noda has some bold ideas on how to revitalize Japan, starting with the better utilization of the women who make up half its population.
Jul 31, 2014
Life expectancy for Japan's men tops 80 for first time; women keep crown
The average life expectancy for Japanese men rose to 80.21 years in 2013, passing 80 for the first time, while the women retained the title of world's longest life expectancy for a second consecutive year at 86.61, the welfare ministry said Thursday.
Japan Times
May 20, 2014
Foreign domestics seen as aiding working mothers
Noriko Hitotsumatsu, a bilingual research pharmacologist with a master's from Cambridge University, considers herself lucky to have a part-time job in a Tokyo pharmacy after shelving her career to raise two daughters in one of the world's most work-oriented countries.
Dec 10, 2013
Joe Biden asked the right question about women in Japan's workforce
The real disgrace isn't U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's 'gaffe,' but how little is changing for Japanese women even under a prime minister who has pledged to empower them as never before.
May 22, 2013
Why Abenomics hurts women
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's acknowledgement of the unleashed potential of women should herald a new beginning for female empowerment in Japan. Yet his proposals to encourage more women to remain in the workforce actually may do more to hurt their prospects by merely reinforcing existing prejudices toward female workers and the role of women in society in general. In fact, his policies could entrench prevailing notions that childcare is women's work.
May 19, 2013
Not so happy Mother's Day
Once the Mother's Day advertising displays came down, it was back to the grim reality of being a mother in Japan rather than in other developed countries.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree