Tag - capitalism-3



Japan Times
Jul 11, 2017
Are the state planners back again?
Demands for new types of leadership and a return to strong government intervention and protection can be heard all round.
BUSINESS / Companies
Jun 17, 2017
Reddit's rumored fundraising may value startup at $1.7 billion
Reddit is one of the few relics of the mid-2000s internet that has not only survived but thrived in recent years. Now venture capitalists are giving a major boost to the link-sharing website, with funding that will give the company a valuation of about $1.7 billion, two people familiar with the matter said.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2017
Pyongyang's only private university reaches out to Texas A&M for crop lessons
The leaders of the only private university in North Korea asked Texas A&M University, known for its agricultural economics and public health programs, for help on Monday in teaching subjects such as how to grow food in a land of chronic shortages.
Jul 24, 2015
Conservatism with a heart? It's called socialism
Sensing their imminent demise, some U.S. Republicans want the party to embrace social and economic values more in line with the views of younger, more ethnically diverse voters.
Japan Times
Apr 7, 2015
Criminals, frauds taught capitalists about trust
The history of markets is, in part, the history of lying, cheating and stealing — and efforts to fight commercial crime.
Japan Times
Apr 6, 2015
High price of cold-hearted capitalism
At the root of Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz's likely decision to kill himself is that he lived, as we all do in the Western world, in a disposable society.
Mar 20, 2015
American-style shareholder capitalism on trial
Shareholder capitalism in the U.S. seems caught in a vicious circle as consumers spend less and save more to protect themselves against future economic shocks, thus prompting businesses buy back more of their stock and return the money to shareholders rather than launch major investment projects.
Mar 3, 2015
Whips, chains and capitalism: what 'Fifty Shades of Grey' is really about
'Fifty Shades of Grey' is a romance for a particular kind of age — a time of growing inequality.
Jun 17, 2014
Capitalism facilitates but doesn't ensure freedom
As Democratic experiments in Thailand and Egypt collapse, there seems to be a building consensus among financial and political elites globally that authoritarian rule, rather than pluralism, is the path to happy endings.
Apr 7, 2014
How inequality curtails a nation's creativity
Given the rarity of really good economic ideas, those who have already achieved success may be the least likely to find them — to be the 'job creators' of the future.
Mar 10, 2014
Making a 'progressive' economy competitive
The neoliberal model has not performed well relative to the previous 30 years in terms of economic growth, financial stability and social justice. If a credible progressive alternative were to take shape, what should be the main outlines of such an alternative?
Jan 3, 2014
Has the world hit the end of the end of history?
Almost 25 years after the intellectual and political collapse of communism, another — and by far grander — narrative of promised progress is unraveling: that of liberal capitalism.
Japan Times
May 12, 2013
Overlapping proposals for the future of capitalism
Neoliberalism has been found wanting — at least by the "99 percent" and a growing army of economists — so what is to take its place? Karl Marx says something other than capitalism. David Sainsbury, a former British Labour minister, and Geoff Mulgan, Tony Blair's director of policy, disagree. Each outlines a "new" capitalism with its sharper teeth blunted, avarice expunged, fairness and social justice imprinted on its soul and innovation and entrepreneurship providing the rocket fuel. So what's not to like?


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces