Tag - budget



BUSINESS / Economy
Dec 24, 2013
Impact of bigger public works budget unclear
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's fiscal 2014 draft budget has sparked debate over whether he has significantly increased the public works budget in a major policy shift from his predecessor administrations led by the Democratic Party of Japan.
BUSINESS / Economy
Dec 22, 2013
Record budget unveiled as debt burden mounts
The government and the ruling coalition agreed on a record budget for the next fiscal year, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe boosts spending on social security, defense and public works while trying to contain the growth of the world's biggest debt burden.
Oct 21, 2013
America's reckless financial policy
The U.S. pattern of decision making (or nondecision making) on debt deadlines has already created additional risk and will surely be reflected in upward pressure on interest rates.
Oct 15, 2013
Behind Washington's firestorm
The story behind the story of the U.S. budget showdown is that prolonged slow growth threatens historic changes to America's political and social order.
Oct 4, 2013
U.S.' endless budget battle
The privilege of issuing the global reserve currency lowers the interest rates that the U.S. government and Americans pay. An unforced debt default could weaken this advantage.
Sep 4, 2013
Slash wasteful government spending
The Liberal Democratic Party has not learned from its past policy reliance on pork-barrel projects, which caused the national debt to soar.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 31, 2013
Deficit cut mulled as sales tax debate intensifies
The Abe administration is considering an ¥8 trillion target for budget-deficit cuts over the next two years as officials debate how to proceed with the planned consumption tax increases that threaten to take the wind out of the economic rebound.
May 15, 2013
U.S. defense cuts: An ax is needed, not a scalpel
The fact the U.S. government devotes too much to Social Security is no argument for spending too much on the military. The defense budget could use a meat-ax.


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