I couldn't agree more with Roger Pulver's Oct. 16 article "Don't look back, Tohoku." I visited Miyagi Prefecture from Oct. 11-15 for the first time in nearly 20 years. I, too, was shocked by the extent of the impact of the tsunami. But I was equally impressed by the resilience and positive attitude of the local people.

I agree that Miyagi (and Tohoku) have a great opportunity now to forge their own direct links with the international community. The world has been amazed at their tremendous character, and now knows about this region, which it didn't before.

Currently many locals still travel to Tokyo for international travel because it is cheaper. Budget direct flights from Sendai would open up the region.

The highly educated workforce combined with open space and a lifestyle not possible in Kanto or Kansai should be widely promoted for business, tourism and research.

Let's not lose this opportunity to turn Tohoku into a region of growth. The people of Tohoku have demonstrated such spirit — and should now seize the opportunity to forge their own direct international links while the world's attention is still upon them.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

lynette wood