


Luke Wainwright
For Luke Wainwright's latest contributions to The Japan Times, see below:
Japan Times
Sep 10, 2010
'Look at Me'
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Jul 27, 2003
So much to soak up in Yamagata
OK, let me put this out there: Yamagata-ken, just like any sensible prefecture in Japan, loves tourists. But you get the feeling that Yamagata Prefecture Tourist Division tries a little harder to promote its treasures. They even occasionally invite journalists up for a spin around the countryside.
Jan 1, 2003
Mash it up, tear it up
The battle over music copyrights continued to rage this year. To combat the song pirates, the record industry unveiled copy-proof CDs and AudioGalaxy, one of the biggest music file-sharing networks in the post-Napster era, was shut down. It was a heavy blow, but MP3 hounds just regrouped and shared elsewhere. Meanwhile, U.S. legislators sent a chill through the thriving Internet radio scene by introducing a bill that would require Web-casters, both large and small, to pay hefty royalties.
Japan Times
Jan 30, 2002
In the land of ubiquitous cell phones, it's hard not to eavesdrop on the chatterboxes around you. Scanner, aka Robin Rimbaud, a British sound artist, has taken technology-abetted voyeurism to another level. Dubbed a "telephone terrorist," he rose to notoriety in the late '90s by filtering "found" cell-phone snippets into his darkly ominous electronic soundscapes. It was William S. Burroughs meets William Gibson. (Privacy advocates should be reassured that, by altering the voices through speed and pitch, Scanner rendered the callers anonymous.)
May 2, 2001
Arrested Development
The name of Arrested Development could have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Bringing intelligent life to the hip-hop scene in 1992 with its debut, "Three Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life of . . . ," this Atlanta-based unit deftly detoured around gangsta rap's dead end while keeping the messages relevant. Four years, two Grammys and two albums later, the life of Arrested Development came to an abrupt halt. Some said it had fallen victim to record-label mergers; others placed the blame on the controlling tendencies of AD's outspoken leader, Speech. Most agreed, though, this was a sad development.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces